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Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

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Milan European Public Health Conference - October 2015

The 8th European Public Health Conference was held in Milan from 14th to 17th October 2015.

Within this framework, European Union - DG DEVCO invited Public Health Institutes Delegates from Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Haiti to participate in the conference. In addition, the SPHIP Support Team also joined the conference. SPHIP delegates were able to follow interesting conferences on several topics, and some could also present  in a session.

It was the first time that such a nice and enriching combination was attempted, and the result was very fruitful for all the people involved. The SPHIP delegates had time to exchange ideas among themselves, with the consultants from the SPHIP Support Team as well as with European Union representatives.

Besides, it was a nice opportunity to expand networks with different institutes and academia, to know about European Health perspective, but also to learn from Health perspectives from developing countries.

Do you want to know more? click on press releases to have more information. If you want to have a written summary, click here.

You can also check the presentation of the SPHIP - Support Team by clicking here. 

This is the video summary of the conference:




Dr. Iqbal Anwar from iccdr´b - Bangladesh Dr. Iqbal Anwar from iccdr´b - Bangladesh

Morning coffee exchange Morning coffee exchange

Group photo with SPHIP delegates and European Union representative Group photo with SPHIP delegates and European Union representative