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Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

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Kenya: Supporting the Kwale County Government

Supporting the Kwale County Government through the provision of Integrated Medicine

The project's objective is to contribute to the health of the people in Kwale County, through the provision of policy analysis and advice in the field of Integrated Medicine. Through the various research components in the action, and by improving the county's health information management system, the project aims to provide evidence for policy change.


2015 - 2020




Beneficiary: The County Government of Kwale Department for Water Services, Health Services and Environmental Sanitation (the Kwale Ministry of Health) – Kenya;

Implemented by: Stichting 4Kenia (4Kenya);



Supporting the Kwale County Government through the provision of Integrated Medicine” is a 5-year project to improve the health of people in Kwale County through the provision of policy analysis and advice in the field of Integrated Medicine. Through this action, the applicants are advocating for a more holistic and integrated approach to health, combining conventional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) together as Integrated Medicine. The applicants want to influence policy by initiating a dialogue with health authorities and policy-makers, based on the outcomes of operational research for Integrated Medicine. Research will include studies of the most prevalent diseases (e.g. malaria, respiratory infections, diarrhoeal disease and HIV), and will look at the cost-effectiveness of the integrated approach. To realise this, both the documentation of individual cases and the county's existing health information system shall be improved.


  • Operational Research on Integrated Medicine and improved M&E provide evidence - based information for policy;
  • Advocacy activities result in policy change;
  • Both lay people and health professionals are trained in Integrated Medicine working at different levels within the Kwale health system;
  • Improved access and acceptability of primary health care services including IM;
  • Establishment of Community Health Units in Kinango Sub-County;
  • Improved efficiency of healthcare services

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4Kenya School for Integrated Medicine