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Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

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The project Lao Equity through Policy Analysis and Research Networks (LEARN) aims to support the National Institute Of Public Health (NIOPH) and associated public health institutes. With this support these institutes can provide national health authorities and stakeholders with expertise, documentation, reports and relevant tools for increasingly evidence-based health policy-making. The project will enhance the institutional development; build capacities, and increase resources of NIOPH and associated training institutes. MCNV Health Asia coordinates the project. 

Presentation of Dr. Vanphanom SYCHAREUM
Presentation of Dr. Vanphanom SYCHAREUM

Dr Jaap Koot visited the project at the end of the inception phase in September 2015. At that time the LEARN project had put together a team of experts and had found an office in the NIOPH. The project was in the process of recruiting four candidates for a PhD programme and candidates for a Masters in Public Health training. These new researchers will strengthen health research capacity in the country. The project is planning numerous small research projects in the area of maternal and child health and universal health coverage.

The project was busy preparing a National Health Research Conference, which was held in October 2015. The Ministry of Health has already formulated a health research policy, and the project will support the implementation, e.g. by bringing together researchers, strengthening information sharing, improving the medical ethical screening of research, etc. 

An important innovative activity is the development of policy implementation gap analysis, which sheds more light on how policies are actually put in practice. This feedback could contribute to improvement of the planning process. The first test analyses have already been produced in September 2015. In October project team members made presentations in conferences in Hue and in Gastein (Austria), showing the potential the project has in strengthening international health research.

LEARN and Support Team at Hue conference
LEARN and Support Team at Hue conference