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Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

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An outstanding Project Team for a better Public Health Capacity

Dr. Jaap Koot and Mr. Javier Burgos visited for the first time the project in Myanmar from December 14th to 18th of 2015.

The consultants found an excellent project team working at the leading organisation HelpAge in Myanmar. The team is composed by a well-experienced international project manager with mechanical engineer background, a knowledgeable Myanmar public health expert plus four young, committed and professional doctors.

Helpage Myanmar Team and Monitoring Facility Team
Helpage Myanmar Team and Monitoring Facility Team

Equally, it was very pleasant to meet the project partners and see their full commitment with the project´s objectives. The project beneficiary, University of Public Health – UPH, is very motivated to achieve the project objectives, to take leadership in the future and to become a key stakeholder in Myanmar Public Health scenario.

Full day meeting with project beneficiary University of Public Health
Full day meeting with project beneficiary University of Public Health

In addition, the consultants had time to meet with other project partners, as the University of Medicine 2 of Yangon. They were also fully supporting the European Union project and willing to cooperate during the project´s lifetime.

The consortium is working hard and with enthusiasm to meet the desirable results and the presence of the consultants and their support was warmly welcomed.

Both the Monitoring Facility and HelpAge Myanmar were able to find solutions to some barriers and it was foreseen to maintain a fluid dialogue in the future.