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Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

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For Universal Health Coverage in Uganda

SPHIP team members have been on a three days mission trip to Kampala to support the SPEED project, which aims at contributing to accelerate progress towards Universal Health Coverage.

The lead  and beneficiary organisation is the Makerere University School of Public Health from Uganda, having partnerships with several solid organisations from Africa and Europe.

The project had the opportunity to meet several SPEED stakeholders, as the European Union Delegation in Uganda, the Makerere University School of Public Health (MUSCPH), the Uganda National Health Consumer Organisation (UNHCO), the National Planning Authority (NPA) and the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC).

Meetings with Professor Freddie Ssengooba from MUSCPH were useful to analyse the project milestones and Logical Framework:

Besides, the project met with Ms Robinah Kaitirimba, executive director of UNHCO, as well as with some staff members. SPHIP team members were able to see UNHCO potential and strength in lobby and advocacy activities. They showed their awaraness capacity when communicating in live our meeting:

Meeting at UNHCO headquarters in Kampala, Uganda
Meeting at UNHCO headquarters in Kampala, Uganda

Another main stakeholder and partner in this European Union initiative is the National Planning Authority, which will bring to the table think tank activities and policy sessions. These activities will be positive for the development of SPEED project. NPA will also bring in expertise from other sectors in planning.

Dr. Jaap Koot with Ms. Sarah Nahalamba (NPA senior planner) and Dr. Ssennyonjo Aloysius (SPEED Project Manager)
Dr. Jaap Koot with Ms. Sarah Nahalamba (NPA senior planner) and Dr. Ssennyonjo Aloysius (SPEED Project Manager)

Another main partner, EPRC, talked to SPHIP project about their contribution into the project, which will be mainly focused on macro-economic impact of health policies.

More information about SPEED and Makerere University School of Public Health can be found here: