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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Exercise: Example of an Education Programme

Wrong. This is not a gender-disaggregated objective
Wrong. Although the objective is gender-disaggregated, there is no mention of the equality of girls and boys
Correct. The objective is gender-disaggregated and highlights equality.
Wrong, the outcome is not gender-disaggregated
Correct. The outcome highlight the most vulnerable children (in rural areas) with a focus on equality (50% for each group)
Wrong, the outcome is focused more on boys than girls
Wrong. The output is not gender-disaggregated and does not focus on the most vulnerable children
Correct, the output is gender-disaggregated and focuses on equality, affordability and the most vulnerable children (rural areas)
Wrong, there is no focus on the most vulnerable children (in rural areas) and it is not gender-disaggregated