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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Sources of Verification

Finally, in the logframe, you need to identify sources of verifications that indicate where information can be found with regard to the achievement of expected results, as described by the indicator.

Sources of verification normally include:

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In stakeholder analysis during the Identification Phase, programme stakeholders included primary duty bearers (e.g. local government representatives and representatives of service providers), marginalised children and the adults and organizations that protect and care for them. These stakeholders can be key sources of verification in terms of results achievement.

Direct observations:

Direct observation includes data collected from observing people and their environments. Direct observation can be an additional element to complement other forms of data collection, as the observations can add context and serve a triangulation purpose.


Primary data such as household survey, micro data, census data, administrative data (e.g. basic demographic information, poverty levels, school enrolment and immunisation) and child well-being databases will be important sources of information with regard to child rights realisation Secondary sources such as publicly available reports will also be useful, e.g.: State party reports to, and concluding observations from, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Country reviews under the Universal Periodic Review Mechanism under the UN Human Rights Council, MDG reports and statistics, etc.
