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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Indicators for the Overall Objective

Continuing to build on our logframe, we will now examine how to formulate indicators for our new results statements and compare these with the indicators for the original statements.

Click on the second overall objective too see indicators where child rights are mainstreamed, and why.

Project description Indicators
Overall objective:

Improved health for poor, rural communities
Number of people with water borne diseases

Project description
Overall objective:

By 2015, the well-being and health situation for 10000 women, 10000 men, 15000 girls and 15000 boys in municipality X is improved as a result of the realisation of the right to water
Overall Objective

  • Number of girls and boys that suffer from serious levels of diarrhoea per year
  • Percentage of household expenditure spent on drinking water and sanitation
  • Changes in the usage of monitoring services for microbial contaminants
  • Changes in time available for family rest and leisure for women and girls as a result of reduction in time spent collecting water
