This is a private group for members of the Team Europe Democracy (TED) Initiative Network.

The Capacity4dev Team is coordinated by INTPA D4 and supported by the meldea programme.
Check the About Us section to find out who we are.
Feel free to contact us for IT technical and editorial content questions at
This is a private group for members of the Team Europe Democracy (TED) Initiative Network.
La Red Latinoamericana de Políticas Públicas de Desarrollo Regional (RED) , es un espacio que promueve el intercambio de experiencias, cooperación y articulación de iniciativas en materia de políticas de desarrollo regional entre los países latinoamericanos. También busca analizar, comparar, diseñar y formular estrategias y herramientas que sirvan como insumo para la toma de decisiones y reforzar la capacidad de las instituciones encargadas del desarrollo regional.
Las medidas tomadas tanto en América Latina como en Europa para controlar la crisis sanitaria del COVID19 por medio del aislamiento social, han exacerbado las violencias contra las mujeres y niñas y han aumentado los obstáculos institucionales para abordarlas.
América Latina ha comenzado su andadura en el fortalecimiento de políticas para combatir los impactos diferenciados de la corrupción en la población femenina en delitos como la trata de personas y la sextorsión. Desde el área de
The Capacity4dev Space Managers Group provides a platform for those overseeing spaces within the platform to collaborate, share best practices, and optimize user experiences. Join us to exchange insights and excel in your role.
This private group is available for colleagues in EU Delegations and Headquarters of the SB4A network, to update and exchange on structured dialogue with the private sector, local and European, and all related matters (investment climate, public-private dialogue...).
The aim of ‘EU4Democracy 2017’ is to improve the visibility of support to democracy and human rights as a fundamental priority of the EU. It will also highlight the role of citizens, civil society, media and other stakeholders in advocating democratic accountability and access to information.
This group provides an online inter-active to share information, experience and lessons learnt among all the partners, to initiate discussion and reflexion on how the partnerships can be more effective and explore ways of collaboration and joint actions for the implementation of the SDGs and the European Consensus on Development.
Programmation Conjointe au Maroc Ce groupe vise à faciliter le partage d'information entre les Etats Membres et la DUE au Maroc concernant le processus de la programmation conjointe.
ACROPOLIS Aid effectiveness in Fragile contexts workshop in Kigali - March 2017
Forced displacement and migration working group
The group is intended as a repository of information and as an exchange platform between the EU CSO focal points from EU MS and EUREP in Palestine
Operational coordination between the MKS programme, DEVCO 06, DEVCO 03, facilities and thematic units
Group driven by the interest in disseminating knowledge, innovations, good practice, news related to the promotion of Governance & Sustainability
An exchange space for KM/ KS practitioners implementing KM/ KS platforms for Development Cooperation organisations
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) role in achieving Development objectives
To get a shared understanding for key concepts in DRR, Risk Management and Resilence. To exchange information, lessons learnt and best practices.
Welcome to a collaborative space engaging participants of the EU-AU-IIASA Evidence and Policy Event in exchange of ideas, knowledge and practices.
This private group is to facilitate the project's steering between the European Commission and IMO Secretariat
Sharing Documents for 11th EDF Caribbean Regional Programming
The ROM QA collaboration space
DEVCO Open Knowledge Lab
Our work aims at fostering improvements in the garment sector concerning environmental, labour and human rights conditions
This Group is a space where trainers involved in the MKS programme can find key documents, post links of interest and discuss good practices.
Workshop to contribute to strengthening coordination between European institutions and European donor agencies in DRC
Youth Employability in the Informal Sector.
Support to enhance livelihoods for people dependent on informal economy
Platform of information sharing for gender focal points in Ethiopia
As this Group is now archived, we invite you to join the reference Group: Budget Support Network Budget Support and Public Finance Management Network for Asia and the Pacific
European Development Days
Collaboration space of higher education intitutions in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP)
Coordination group for partners working on the EYD2015 website and social media channels. Here you can find guidance material and useful updates.
Health Crisis Prevention, Preparedness and Response
The main goal of AFRETEP is to understand the potential for renewable energy options in Africa for increased access to electrification in rural areas.
This group provides a common space to facilitate collaboration and exchange of knowledge for professionals working on environment programmes
Cross-border cooperation between Member States and Partner countries along the external borders of the EU
Middle Management Forum - MMF
archived group
The group to exchange on Indirect Management Delegation Agreement (IMDA)
European Year for Development 2015 – welcome on board!
Coordination des PTF du secteur de la Santé au Burkina Faso
Comunicación de las acciones desarrolladas en la Unión Europea en Perú
a regional programme to support the development of the cultural sector in the Southern Mediterranean
Fair trade gives smallholders, especially in the South, the opportunity to develop in a sustainable way. One of the most impor
An exchange platform for providers of technical assistance for the preparation of national contributions to the 2015 climate agreement
Seeking better data on Financing for Development
Lima Task force for COP20 conference
Discussion platform and document repository for the joint Development Partners-Government Technical Working Group on Fisheries in Cambodia
Reducing the price of remittances
Plateforme d'appui pour les CODELAOC Crise, Sécurité et Justice
Learn4Dev Expert Group on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Sharing Group for the European Practitioners Network
The group aims to share materials and resources on protection.
El Programa Marco Interuniversitario para la Equidad y la Cohesión Social de las Instituciones de Educación Superior en América Latina
Best Practice exchange & support for EU-UA Cooperation Projects, Programmes & Partners
Espacio de información y referencia para los integrantes del Grupo de Trabajo de "Comunidades Solidarias"
Espacio de reflexión y consulta para identificar mecanismos de participación de la sociedad civil en los programas de ayuda de la UE en El Salvador
The GUIA Project ( is a referent for Institutions and people committed with reducing student dropout from HE
This group is for 'young' donors who wish to develop their own capacities in Development Policy via other more experienced donors.
EU MS education experts and EC information sharing platform
Guide to statistics in European Commission development co-operation
Public Group on Development Policy
Discusses Development Policy
This group is for people working or interested in Governance issues in cooperation and development
To discuss and exchange views on issues relevant to the European Neighbourhood region and Russia
For colleagues in EC/EEAS HQ and Delegations to exchange about issues concerning the European Neighbourhood region and Russia
This group seeks ownership!
The donor community is about to descend upon Myanmar. We should discuss what could be done differently, better - not just "business as usual".
DG ECHO Drafting Group - DRR Policy/Guidelines
This group gathers all methodological publications of the Directorate EuropeAid that have been published in the "Tools and Methods Series"
Consultation on Policy Dialogue - Guidance
DEVCO Information Correspondents Network
Private group for EC staff members to discuss PEA methodogy, Public Policy Analysis and Governance Analysis: lessons learnt
Public Group on Health.
A working space for sharing information and content related to PPCM trainings.
Heads of Cooperation Network
This reflection group shall be a place to exchange ideas on how to possibly reform NAO
This group focuses on how to integrate Capacity Development into the operational cycle
A network of evaluation managers in the Commission and the Member States for the evaluation of Humanitarian Aid.
[ARCHIVED GROUP] EC Training Material dating from 2010 and 2011
Group on Public Sector Reform & Decentralisation
Here you can exchange experiences, good practices and information on sustainable forestry. Learn about Forest Partnerships, VPA, FLEGT and more.
A group to discuss and support the pragmatic and gradual introduction of a "political economy" approach in EC Development Cooperation.
Welcome! This group has been set up to facilitate the communication between the members of the Working Group on Grants.
Public Group on Security, Justice & Human Rights
Public Group on Private Sector Trade & Regional Integration
Public Group on Agriculture & Rural Development
The Group on Procedures informs on updates and will be a place for discussion among EC staff. Library group
Training Material
Partage d'expériences des projets ONG
The Swiss Development Corporation is gratefully using this group for internal learning
UPDATE 12 September 2016: Please note that this group has been archived. ***** Group directed at EC staff from Delegations or HQs working in/on Asia and Central Asia
Plataforma para intercambiar experiencias y conocimientos en EU proyectos de Juventud
Welcome to the TC Panel's group!
Grupo de discusion sobre temas de apoyo presupuestario en America Latina
Coordination Team Group
EC staff restricted
The Capacity4dev Space Managers Group provides a platform for those overseeing spaces within the platform to collaborate, share best practices, and optimize user experiences. Join us to exchange insights and excel in your role.
Operational coordination between the MKS programme, DEVCO 06, DEVCO 03, facilities and thematic units
Information platform on the implementation of the Human Rights Bade Approach HRBA within EU development cooperation
An exchange space for KM/ KS practitioners implementing KM/ KS platforms for Development Cooperation organisations
This Group is a space where trainers involved in the MKS programme can find key documents, post links of interest and discuss good practices.
Informal space for exchnage of information and discussion on topics related to Decentralised cooperation. Find all info, reports, videos and pictures of the 2019 Forum Cities and Regions for Development Cooperation following this link
This group presents the Evaluation methodology for European Commission's external assistance (for DG INTPA)
The main goal of AFRETEP is to understand the potential for renewable energy options in Africa for increased access to electrification in rural areas.
The place to share resources, ideas, lessons learnt, good practices and experiences on how to share and manage our knowledge to further our development objectives
archived group
Seeking better data on Financing for Development
Activities include uploading information on projects and key activities and activating debates and discussions on the respective themes
This is a private group for C4D site Admins to test. TEST PG CFDEV-5763 Edit form - URL path to remove language suffix
Click here to return to the DLDD Obsevatory for Latin America (
This group is for 'young' donors who wish to develop their own capacities in Development Policy via other more experienced donors.
Guide to statistics in European Commission development co-operation
FLEGT Ad Hoc Group
This group is for people working or interested in Governance issues in cooperation and development
This group gathers all methodological publications of the Directorate EuropeAid that have been published in the "Tools and Methods Series"
Consultation on Policy Dialogue - Guidance
DEVCO Information Correspondents Network
Private group for EC staff members to discuss PEA methodogy, Public Policy Analysis and Governance Analysis: lessons learnt
A working space for sharing information and content related to PPCM trainings.
This group focuses on how to integrate Capacity Development into the operational cycle
A network of evaluation managers in the Commission and the Member States for the evaluation of Humanitarian Aid.
[ARCHIVED GROUP] EC Training Material dating from 2010 and 2011
A group to discuss and support the pragmatic and gradual introduction of a "political economy" approach in EC Development Cooperation.
This group allows any active person in the cooperation and development sector to share information on the thematic of Urban Development. The Sustainable Urban Development group is part of the Urban Development Network.
Open resource group and discussion forum for development practitioners in the field of Sustainable Transport. Its aim is to serve as an open platform to share knowledge and relevant resources between like-minded partners in the sector.
Public Group on Security, Justice & Human Rights
A group you want to be part of! Join the development energy conversation and share your knowledge, ideas and experiences in this group made for you!
Public Group on Capacity Development & Technical Cooperation Library group
Training Material
UPDATE 12 September 2016: Please note that this group has been archived. ***** Group directed at EC staff from Delegations or HQs working in/on Asia and Central Asia
Coordination Team Group
EC staff restricted
The "GMES and Africa" process was launched by the Maputo Declaration, signed on 15 October 2006. The initiative aims to strengthen and further develop infrastructure for more coherent exploitation of Earth Observation data (space
This project (formerly a group) has been created to communicate the results of three different projects, funded under the EIDHR Global Call for Proposals 2015. The three projects have as a common objective to support civil society
The objective of 'Culture and Development - Action and Impact' is to demonstrate the fundamental role culture has to play in the area of development.
The programme is part of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme II, funded under the European Neighbourhood Instrument. It aims to support the cultural and creative sectors’ contribution to sustainable humanitarian, social and
This group explores the lessons-learned from capacity-building on PFM in South Sudan, including findings from the EU Technical Assistance for Sub-national Capacity Building in Payroll and PFM (EUTAPP) as implemented by Ecorys
DiversiNEET is KA2 Strategic Partnership exchange of good practies in the field of Youth lead by Asociación PROJUVEN. The other 2 leading partners are GUS Italia and Antigone. Background by September 2016, Europe has experienced
European Union Energy Initiative (EUEI) About European Union Energy Initiative (EUEI) As of the 31st of March 2018, the EUEI PDF programme has officially ended and a new programme (the Global Energy Transformation Programme GET
Assistance to Set up a Centre of Excellence in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Central Africa (CEREEECA). About CEREEECA Project Project Completed - Assistance to Set up a Centre of Excellence in Renewable Energy and
The BAM programme is clearly geared towards reducing and ultimately eradicating poverty. Various considerations very explicitly call for addressing small farmers' and local workers' living conditions, fair allocations of revenue
ES4Y is a Capacity Building project within the framework of the European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme with project partners from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile joined to develop a
The aim of this evaluation project is to share evaluation experiences within Latin-American public administrations by providing peer to peer technical assistances that enable knowledge-sharing among institutions, ultimately strengthening decision-making processes in specific programs or public policies. The main objective is to institutionalize public policy evaluation as a general practice in the region.
The overall objective of the action is to strengthen the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) to work in partnership towards the achievement of development goals.
Promoviendo una justicia rapida y accesible en Honduras - EuroJusticia
L’Union européenne appuie le gouvernement Guinéen à travers le Programme d’Appui à la Société Civile (PASOC) financé par le 10ème FED à hauteur de 6 millions d'euros. Le programme PASOC s'inscrit dans la continuation du programme
LEARN (Lao Equity through Policy Analysis and Research Networks) is an EU-funded programme designed to improve Universal Health Coverage in Lao PDR through better informed public health policies and their implementation, monitoring and evaluation. More specifically, LEARN supports the National Institute of Public Health (recently renamed Lao Tropical Public Health Institute) in efforts to provide national health authorities and stakeholders with expertise, documentation, reports and relevant tools.
El objetivo general del presente Contrato es mejorar las condiciones de vida de los y las jóvenes de Guatemala al brindarles oportunidades de trabajo de calidad. El objetivo específico del contrato es fortalecer el Sistema
Mission of Pitch-a-Pitch is to pave opportunity for green businesses and consumers with their green initiatives. We provide open access to one platform for both investors and idea owners in order to get funding for viable ideas
El objetivo general del presente contrato es: “Implementar exitosamente la estrategia de comunicación a nivel local/regional y a nivel nacional/central, abarcando los diversos grupos objetivo definidos en el Plan de Comunicación y de acuerdo al Manual de Visibilidad” y las acciones apoyadas por la Unión Europea a la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición en el País.
THE AFRICA-EU WATER PARTNERSHIP PROJECT In 2002, the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU) established the EU-Africa Strategic Partnership on Water Affairs and Sanitation to contribute to achieving water supply
El Programa de Apoyo a la Educación Técnica y Formación Profesional en Nicaragua – (TECNICA) tiene como objetivo principal: Acompañar la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional de ETFP para contribuir a que las personas logren
The “ Capacity Building Within the Caribbean Forum of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (CARIFORUM) in the Areas of Competition, Public Procurement, and Customs and Trade Facilitation in support of the
Programme Summary This 2 year EU funded programme commenced on 19 January 2015 and is the first integrated Leadership Development Programme aimed at building capacity in the ACs in order to identify and develop the next generation
The Hub and Spokes programme is an innovative Aid for Trade initiative that helps to enhance trade capacity development in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific regions. Why not join and find out more... Now in its Consolidation Phase
Integration of Amazon Biome Protected Areas (IAPA) - Amazon Vision is a project financed by the European Union, which seeks to create a network around the protected areas systems located in the Amazon region. The project started as a support to the regional initiative Vision for preserving the diversity of the Amazon biome based on the ecosystems, proposed in 2008 by the Latin American Technical Cooperation Network in National Parks, other protected areas and wildlife – REDPARQUES.
The project builds on the regional EU-funded project ‘Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in the European Neighbourhood’(ENPI-SEIS, €5.7 mil., 2009.12- 2015.03), implemented by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The ENPI-SEIS project supported the environmental and statistical authorities in 16 partner countries both in the East and South European Neighbourhood regions in promoting the SEIS principles. During the implementation of the ENPI-SEIS project, a regional set of eight (8) pilot environmental indicators was developed, produced and shared across the six partner countries in the East region. In 2014, general modalities of cooperation around SEIS and the political commitment to share environmental data was re-confirmed in joint statements (i.e. Letters of Intent, statements resulting from national workshops) between the Governments of Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Armenia and the EEA (similar agreements with Ukraine and Azerbaijan are envisioned during the next phase of cooperation). At a higher political level, the Heads of State and Government confirmed their commitment to SEIS in the Vilnius Eastern Partnership Summit declaration signed in November 2013.
Greenhouse gas emissions from maritime shipping industry are expected to increase globally. Developing countries, which play a significant role in international shipping, often lack the means to improve energy efficiency in their
The overall goal of the initiative is to empower disabled women, widows, orphans and other vulnerable within the population in rural Senegal using sustainable means. Our vision is to empower these groups by improving their food and nutrition situation, access to education and medication on a long term and strengthening their position within the community.
The ACP-EU TBT Programme's main objective is to contribute to improved competitiveness in local, regional and export markets by enhancing the export capacity of economic operators in ACP countries, through: The enhancement of the
The European Union (EU) supported project 'SHARE' (Strengthening Health, Applying Research Evidence) is being implemented by icddr,b, renowned international health research organization ( in collaboration with University College, London (UCL), UK and Palladium Group, India; and Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) and Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) in Bangladesh. Original protocol of the project is “Strengthening capacities of national health authorities and icddr,b for better health policies and strategies for improved outcomes”.
The programme Green Economy in Belarus aims at: 1) Identifying and developing green economy mechanisms and providing institutional and legislative support to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of
Several development cooperation organizations unite and launch the campaign For a Glass of Water! NZV (Groningen Regional Water Authority), CORDAID (The Netherlands), ACRA-CCS (Italy), Fons Catalá (Catalonia) and Euskal Fondoa
The project TECH-TECH XANIM WOWOMAN is initiated and is being driven by two major aims: 1. To promote IT science among women in order to involve more women in IT sector 2. To educate and mentor the Women with interest to IT About
Exploring the value of extended collaboration Up until recently, Engineers without Borders Denmark (EWB–DK) has mainly collaborated with both governments and other NGOs in order to get local projects implemented. However, as a new
Community Development in Kenema District Sierra Leone EWB-DK and its partner EWB–SL address water as a basic human right in a community based approach in Kenema District, Sierra Leone.The key objectives in this on-going second
Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries
Clima East is a European Union funded project package assisting the Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Countries and Russia in approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The Air-Q-Gov project supports Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine to tackle the challenges those countries face with the increase of air pollution emissions. In
The EU Mobile Labs Project has provided one of the first labs against the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. A mobile unit was deployed to Guinea in March 2014, at the outbreak's onset. It has provided diagnosis for a large fraction of the samples collected - 3000 during the first 6 months, identifying over 1000 positive cases. Up to 70 samples per day have been processed, with diagnosis available within 4 hours. Two additional mobile labs have been deployed to Nigeria and Liberia.
Le Parc National de Zakouma est sous la tutelle du Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau à travers la Direction de la Conservation de la Faune et des Aires Protégés. Depuis 1987, il bénéficie de Programmes d'appui de la
This project aims to promote and safeguard the culture of the Konso community located on the Sagan River in southwestern Ethiopia. About Konso is the first place in Ethiopia to be recognized as a ‘cultural landscape,’ in UNESCO
The project “Strengthening the dialogue and cooperation between the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to establish management models on migration and development policies” (EU-LAC project on migration) of the EU aims to participate in the process of cooperation between the EU and the CELAC region and to contribute to the strengthening of regional and national capacities in the LAC countries to support the permanent exchange of information and good practices between these countries, as well as between the EU and the CELAC region.
The Msamala project seeks to improve access to and use of sustainable energy (solar PV, efficient stoves, solar driers) within the communities, initiate reforestation activities, and collaborate with institutions and communities
The FISRI project aims to increase food production and mitigate the effects of soaring food and input prices by improving access to agricultural inputs and promotiong conservation agriculture. The project aims to contribute to
The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia is aimed at enabling the rural poor facing chronic food insecurity to resist shocks, create assets and become food self-sufficient. About Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net
The "GMES and Africa" process was launched by the Maputo Declaration, signed on 15 October 2006. The initiative aims to strengthen and further develop infrastructure for more coherent exploitation of Earth Observation data (space
This project (formerly a group) has been created to communicate the results of three different projects, funded under the EIDHR Global Call for Proposals 2015. The three projects have as a common objective to support civil society
The Intra-ACP Agricultural Policy Programme will contribute to policy incentives for smallholders by increasing production and productivity of selected commercial products using new technologies in communication and in farming in
The objective of 'Culture and Development - Action and Impact' is to demonstrate the fundamental role culture has to play in the area of development.
The programme is part of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme II, funded under the European Neighbourhood Instrument. It aims to support the cultural and creative sectors’ contribution to sustainable humanitarian, social and
This group explores the lessons-learned from capacity-building on PFM in South Sudan, including findings from the EU Technical Assistance for Sub-national Capacity Building in Payroll and PFM (EUTAPP) as implemented by Ecorys
DiversiNEET is KA2 Strategic Partnership exchange of good practies in the field of Youth lead by Asociación PROJUVEN. The other 2 leading partners are GUS Italia and Antigone. Background by September 2016, Europe has experienced
European Union Energy Initiative (EUEI) About European Union Energy Initiative (EUEI) As of the 31st of March 2018, the EUEI PDF programme has officially ended and a new programme (the Global Energy Transformation Programme GET
Assistance to Set up a Centre of Excellence in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Central Africa (CEREEECA). About CEREEECA Project Project Completed - Assistance to Set up a Centre of Excellence in Renewable Energy and
The BAM programme is clearly geared towards reducing and ultimately eradicating poverty. Various considerations very explicitly call for addressing small farmers' and local workers' living conditions, fair allocations of revenue
ES4Y is a Capacity Building project within the framework of the European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme with project partners from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile joined to develop a
The European Union (EU) supported project 'SHARE' (Strengthening Health, Applying Research Evidence) is being implemented by icddr,b, renowned international health research organization ( in collaboration with University College, London (UCL), UK and Palladium Group, India; and Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) and Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) in Bangladesh. Original protocol of the project is “Strengthening capacities of national health authorities and icddr,b for better health policies and strategies for improved outcomes”.
The GCCA Intra-ACP programme supports members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) to tackle climate change as a challenge to their development. We work towards this goal by offering technical assistance, promoting knowledge sharing, initiating regional dialogue, and facilitating regional partnership on climate change issues.
Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries
KFDWB or K4DWB provides Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills and knowledge to people around the world with information on sustainable development issues and practices. It includes learning and interaction tools between members and users to face challenges of the 21st century in their local communities.
Le Parc National de Zakouma est sous la tutelle du Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau à travers la Direction de la Conservation de la Faune et des Aires Protégés. Depuis 1987, il bénéficie de Programmes d'appui de la
This project aims to promote and safeguard the culture of the Konso community located on the Sagan River in southwestern Ethiopia. About Konso is the first place in Ethiopia to be recognized as a ‘cultural landscape,’ in UNESCO
The Msamala project seeks to improve access to and use of sustainable energy (solar PV, efficient stoves, solar driers) within the communities, initiate reforestation activities, and collaborate with institutions and communities
The FISRI project aims to increase food production and mitigate the effects of soaring food and input prices by improving access to agricultural inputs and promotiong conservation agriculture. The project aims to contribute to
The Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia is aimed at enabling the rural poor facing chronic food insecurity to resist shocks, create assets and become food self-sufficient. About Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net
A digital tool allowing operational managers, through automated text mining techniques, to map EU policies and documents in relations to SDGs and EU and INTPA political priorities
Welcome to the tracker of Team Europe's joint activities across the world.
Discover Capacity4dev's communication products, including the new Visual Guidelines which highlight the main elements behind the refreshed graphic identity of Capacity4dev.
The European Commission’s free and public learning platform for development
A digital tool allowing operational managers, through automated text mining techniques, to map EU policies and documents in relations to SDGs and EU and INTPA political priorities
The guidance on thematic results and indicators covers DG INTPA strategies in various sectors, aiming to enhance the quality of our interventions – in terms of design, monitoring in the course of implementation. It also aims to promote the use of standardised information across European Union-funded interventions in partner countries. DG INTPA unit in charge of monitoring results (D.4) and thematic units developed the guidance.