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Public Sector Reform & Decentralisation

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4.1 The starting point of a TALD: context and political economy analysis

Context and political economic analysis

To understand what is politically feasible in terms of empowering developmental LAs, EU Delegations should conduct a context analysis, to clarify:

  • the opportunities and constraints created by the political drivers of decentralization reforms (national politics);
  • the extent to which national development policy supports place-based territorial development and the role of developmental LAs in promoting it (national policies).

First assessment needed: the status and prospect of decentralization

A tool has been developed for doing so: the Integrated Decentralisation Diagnostic Framework

IDDF root questions

  • Decentralisation efforts in EU partner countries


Scope for further reform


  • What are the potential next steps in improving decentralisation, and how can they be further built on in the future?


Drivers of changes and obstacles


  • What factors/ actors have influenced the decentralisation implementation process, in terms of aiding and hindering realisation of its goals?


Performance and delivery


  • How well has decentralisation performed to date in terms of meeting its intended objectives?


Progress in implementation


  • To what extent has the decentralisation policy framework been implemented as designed?


Motivations and rationale


  • Why does the decentralisation policy framework take this particular form in a given country context?


Nature and form


  • What are the essential characteristics and roles of decentralisation, the intergovernmental system and other enabling national policies?


Additional areas of analysis could deal with the political economy of specific issues, territorial policy issues, sector-specific issues and institutional development & capacity issues.

Second assessment needed: what is the actual EUD capacity to support decentralization, local governance and territorial de elopement policies and programmes?

Particularly important will be the capacity to reach out to the primary stakeholders of the reforms, and engage them in a policy dialogue on the adoption of a TALD.

A quick institutional readiness test can be undertaken at the EU delegation level based on a set of five criteria and related indicators to check internal capacity.