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Public Sector Reform & Decentralisation

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What is Fiscal Autonomy at the Local Level?


At local level, autonomy cannot be based solely on locally generated revenue. Therefore a system needs to be set up for central governments to provide resources to local authorities, through transfers, for them to fulfil their local responsibilities. But crucially, Daniel F Garcia Gonzalez, Vocal Asesor at the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), argues these responsibilities need to be set at the local level as well, as this is the basis of a democratic government. He states that without a minimum level of fiscal autonomy we will not see real local autonomy.

Relevant documents

Video transcript: "What is Fiscal Autonomy at the Local Level?" English (14,43 KB)
Video transcript: "What is Fiscal Autonomy at the Local Level?" Español (12,66 KB)