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Regional seminar in Jakarta February 2016

SEMINAR: Territorial Approaches to Local Development:

What does it entail and how can it be fostered in Asian and Pacific countries?

The seminar's three major goals: 

  1. Clarify the concept of Territorial Approach to Local Development as an analytical framework that can be understood as the missing link between decentralization reforms and development outcomes.
  2. Sharpen the understanding of the participants of the political economy of decentralization reforms (DR) in the region, and the conditions under which the reforms may lead to improved local governance (LG) and genuine local development (LD).
  3. Recognize the opportunities and constraints that EU delegations may face in promoting Territorial Approach to Local Development (TALD), because of the context in which they operate, the demands of the EU aid management cycle and the aid modalities available to them.


Quick Access

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Part I: Clarifying the notion of “territorial approach to local development” in the context of Asian countries


Registration and welcome coffee / tea


Welcome by EUD Indonesia Delegation (Mr Charles-Michel Geurts (Deputy HoD))



Session 1.1. The paradigm shift towards territorial approaches to local development (TALD) – Implications and emerging EU responses


Coffee / tea


Session 1.2. To what extent do decentralization reforms in the region provide an enabling environment for territorial development?


Lunch break


Session 1.3. Territorial Approach to Local Development from a multi-actor perspective

  • Roundtable session: How do various actors see the potential of a TALD approach the region?
  • Reactions from representatives of central government, national association of local governments, civil society, research institution, EUD


Coffee / tea


Session 1.4. Zoom to specific elements of the TALD framework

  • Local planning systems by Leonardo Romeo, external resource person
  • Q&A in plenary
  • Conclusion of the day


Social event

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Part II: Putting a territorial approach to local development into practice.

How to use the different instruments in a creative manner

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Recap of day 1 & agenda of day 2


Session 2.1. Understanding the context: the role of the 'Integrated Decentralization Diagnostic Framework' (IDDF) and its analytical tools

  • Defining the scope (entry points, foreseen outcomes) of an EU Support programme avoiding the "Aid modality" perspective by Jorge Rodriguez Bilbao
  • Presentation of the IDDF by Paul Smoke
  • Q&A in plenary


Coffee / tea


Session 2.2 Conditions, opportunities and complementarities between Budget Support and Project approach by Leonardo Romeo

Session 2.3. Budget Support in decentralised context. How can we promote Local/territorial policies?

  • Presentation of the main trends of the "Methodological note on Providing Budget Support in decentralised context" by Jorge Rodríguez Bilbao

Session 2.4 Using project approach to support/promote TALD

  • Promoting "smart" projects within EU procedures, by Jorge Rodriguez Bilbao

Draft guidance: Project approach in support of local development and decentralisation 

Q&A in plenary


Lunch break


Experience sharing and good practices: how EUDs have worked or should work for defining an EU support programme (linking the supply side and the demand side)


Buzz groups


Coffee / tea


Session 2.5 Two areas of underdeveloped potential in TD financing

  • Leveraging CSO and Private sector resources
  • Localizing national goals through contractual delegation

By Leonardo Romeo

Q&A in plenary

Session 2.6. How can support /promote TALD through the thematic line CSO-LA?

Thursday 25 February 2016

Part III: How can EUD be equipped to support long-term TALD processes?

Implications in terms of knowledge, working methods, roles and capacities

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Recap of day 2 & agenda of day 3


Session 3.1. The role of CSO in promoting TALD

  • Introduction and framing by Jorge Rodríguez Bilbao
  • Panel reflecting innovative experiences of promoting joint action CSO-LA from "civil society" side
  • Q&A in plenary


Coffee / tea


Session 3.2. The role of the Associations of Local Authorities in promoting TALD

  • Introduction and framing by Leonardo Romeo
  • Panel presentations reflecting the potential role of ALA in promoting a territorial approach to local development
  • Q&A in plenary



Part IV: Conclusions and Follow up

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Session 3.3. Table discussion: forward looking for promoting TALD once back to our organisations and context


Coffee / tea


Session 4.1. Overall summary of the seminar and validation of key conclusions


Session 4.2. Follow up and closure of the seminar