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Public Sector Reform & Decentralisation

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4. Shaping EU support to DLGTD through the TALD framework

Here you can have a snapshot of

  • the implication of the new EU vision on the developmental role of LAs over the future EU-supported projects & programmes);

  • the recommended sequence of work when adopting a territorial approach to local development (TALD);

  • the key questions related the characteristics of EU-support to DLGTD (decentralisation, local governance and territorial development): determining outcomes, choosing entry points for the intervention, mobilising key actors, selecting aid modalities…

EU delegations may wish to apply a TALD when providing support to DLGTD. A TALD provides a broad analytical and programming framework that is meant to help EU delegations assess the policy, institutional and technical capacity constraints that affect territorial development in a given context and determine where and how to best intervene  to support it. The TALD framework maps the linkages between decentralisation and development outcomes and highlights the scope of policy, institutional and technical capacity development required to strengthen those linkages.

Key steps to help EU delegations use the TALD framework to better and more effectively identify, design and implement country-specific interventions to support DLGTD.

SECTION 8: Conducting context and political economy analyses


  • Conducting context and political economy analyses


SECTION 9: Determining realistic outcomes


  • Determining realistic outcomes


SECTION 10: Choosing relevant entry points


  • Choosing relevant entry points


SECTION 11: Mobilising different actors


  • Mobilising different actors


SECTION 12: Selecting & combining aid modalities


  • Selecting & combining aid modalities
