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Regional seminar in Dar Es Salaam April 2016

WORKSHOP: Territorial Approaches to Local Development:

What does it entail and how can it be fostered in Eastern and Southern African countries?

The seminar's three major goals: 

  1. Clarify the concept of Territorial Approach to Local Development as an analytical framework that can be understood as the missing link between decentralization reforms and development outcomes.
  2. Sharpen the understanding of the participants of the political economy of decentralization reforms (DR) in the region, and the conditions under which the reforms may lead to improved local governance (LG) and genuine local development (LD).
  3. Recognize the opportunities and constraints that EU delegations may face in promoting Territorial Approach to Local Development (TALD), because of the context in which they operate, the demands of the EU aid management cycle and the aid modalities available to them.


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Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Monday 04 April

Part I: Clarifying the notion of “territorial approach to local development”


Registration and welcome coffee / tea


Welcome by the EUD Delegation (Mr Roeland van de Geer (HoD)) and DEVCO B2 Unit (Rosario Bento Pais (HoU))



Session 1.1. The paradigm shift towards territorial approaches to local development (TALD) – Implications and emerging EU responses


Coffee / tea


Session 1.2. Understanding the “politics” of decentralization in order to identify the scope for genuine territorial approaches to local development

Short framing presentation by Jorge Rodríguez Bilbao providing keys to understand the motivations behind decentralisation reforms and implications for territorial development

Break-up in small groups to apply such a context / political economy analysis to concrete countries from the region with experts that are familiar with the decentralisation reforms involved

Feedback from the groups to plenary

  • Other interesting documents:

Word iconRethinking decentralisation: from a public sector reform perspective to a political process of empowerment

Word iconTwo decades of decentralisation and EC support — and the path ahead


Lunch break


Session 1.3. Clarification session II

  • Group exercise: How do we understand the TALD concepts and definitions?
  • Plenary feedback followed by a quick clarification from a TALD resource person if needed


Coffee / tea


Session 1.4. Territorial Approach to Local Development and the multi-actor perspective

  • Table discussion (free grouping): sharing our experiences of multi-stakeholder and multi-scalar approaches/work in territorial/local development
  • Plenary feedback of the table discussion


Social event (details on location will follow)

Tuesday 05 April

Part II: How to work toward a Territorial Approach to Local Development?

Implications in terms of knowledge, working methods, roles and capacities

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Recap of day 1 & agenda of day 2


Session 2.1. The role of CSO in promoting TALD

Word iconEngaging strategically with the local civil society within the TALD framework 


Coffee / tea


Session 2.2. The role of the Associations of Local Authorities in promoting TALD

  • Introduction and framing by Alfonso Garcia
  • Panel presentations reflecting the potential role of ALA in promoting a territorial approach to local development.
  • Discussion with the plenary
  • Other interesting documents:

Word iconLocal Government Associations (LGAs) and TALD


Lunch break


Session 2.3. Territorial Approach to Local Development from a multi-actor perspective

Presentation: "TALD:10th EDF Support to Cultural Heritage"

Panel session: How do various actors see the potential of a TALD approach?

Reactions from and debates between (to be prepared and structured) representatives of central government, national association of local governments, civil society, research institution, consultants, EUD, B2 representative (talking in simple term about the key support mechanisms and the main features for flexibility in the hand of EUD to support a TALD)…

Focus the discussion in 2/3 countries (depending on the participants and typology of country


Coffee / tea


Session 2.4. Promoting Territorial Development through the thematic line CSO-LA?

  • Unlocking the potential of the thematic line CSO-LA. Presentation by Jorge Rodríguez Bilbao
  • Q & A
  • Group exercise: Exploring the potentialities and limitations to promote territorial development through the thematic programme
  • Discussion with the plenary
  • Other interesting documents: 

Smart use of the CSO-LA Thematic Programme to support actions led by CSOs and/or LAs within the TALD framework


Video local development and gender equality

Wednesday 06 April

Part III: EUDs internal workshop: Putting TALD into practice. How to use the different instruments in a creative manner

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Recap of day 1 & 2. Introduction day 3.


Session 3.1. Understanding the context: the role of the ‘Integrated Decentralization Diagnostic Framework’ (IDDF) and its analytical tools”

Word iconDetermining realistic outcomes and relevant entry points


Coffee / tea


Session 3.2. Budget Support in decentralised context

  • Presentation of the main trends of the "Methodological note on Providing Budget Support in decentralised context" by Jorge Rodríguez Bilbao
  • Q&A in plenary
  • Other interesting documents: 

Word iconProviding EU Budget Support in decentralized contexts. A methodological note


Session 3.3. Using Project approach to support/promote TALD

Word iconHow to set-up projects in support of local development and decentralisation? 




Session 3.4. Forward thinking: how EUDs should work for defining an EU support programme (linking the supply side and the demand side considering the learning features coming from the CSO and LA contribution on day 1 and day 2)

  • Working groups – 45’ (1 or 2 countries represented by table, if possible with some proximity of context in term of decentralisation status, cultural/historical/political parameters…)
  • Plenary sharing of some table reflections (voluntary basis not table by table) – 15’


Coffee / tea

Part IV: Conclusions and Follow up

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Session 4.1. Overall summary of the seminar and validation of key conclusions


Session 4.2. Follow up and closure of the seminar