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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

1.1.1. Joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives: three methods within the Team Europe approach

The Team Europe approach encompasses three main methods: Joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives. Joint programming generally operates as the strategic umbrella for joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives, but the three methods can also be followed separately or in other combinations. The three different methods are implemented using several tools that might be shared between the methods or specific to each method. Examples of such tools include joint analysis, parallel financing, joint intervention logics, joint results monitoring and policy dialogues. The focus of this guidance is on the Team Europe approach and how this uses the three methods:

  • Joint Programming is a method for coming together through a joint analysis and joint response to develop a comprehensive, cross-sectoral and shared strategic vision for EU and Member State action in a partner country[4]. It is a strategic engagement process through which the EU and Member State representations in a partner country together define a strategic framework for their relations with that country[5]. In line with the principles of development effectiveness, the joint programming vision is centred on joint, strategic objectives that are aligned with those of National Development Planning documents and provides an umbrella framework which links up the usually more sector-focused initiatives of the EU and its Member States to reduce ‘silo effects’ and fragmentation. It allows actors following a Team Europe approach to make (joint) strategic decisions based on a comprehensive view of European development partners’ support to a given partner country. It includes, therefore, a jointly-structured political dialogue and joint messaging, and ensures harmonised communication.
  • Joint Implementation is a method for collaboratively ‘doing together’ in support of a more consistent and coordinated implementation of actions at partner country and regional level in a specific area. Joint implementation, whether financial or non-financial, translates shared objectives into collaborative action by setting out practical arrangements for working together. The goal is to maximise the impact of the collective expertise and resources. Joint implementation should result in more effective and efficient actions at country and regional level, thus contributing to greater development impact. It includes a wide range of collaborative arrangements including co-financing, delegated cooperation, joint evaluations and support to joint policy dialogue mechanisms.
  • Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs) are a method that straddles both ‘coming together’ and ‘doing together’. TEIs focus on specific sectors of shared interest at country, regional or global level, where a coordinated effort through a Team Europe approach can ensure results on a bigger scale and with a transformative impact. The framework provided by a TEI improves the coordination, consistency and synergies between ‘components’, i.e. ongoing or new actions and projects implemented by TEI participants. TEIs also encourage joint sector analysis, joint policy dialogue and joint visibility actions, as well as joint implementation, within their specific area of focus. Guided by the EU’s political and policy priorities, as well as country and regional sector-level dialogue, coming together in TEIs also has the aim of making the EU and its Member States the partners of reference that set the standard in a particular sector. TEIs aspire to use the most effective combination of existing and new resources, instruments and expertise to achieve a common impact in line with national development priorities. TEIs thus also focus more concretely on ensuring that a wide range of EU actors are involved. Most of the Global Gateway flagship projects are part of TEIs (see 1.1.9).

See below illustrations as well as an example of the Team Europe approach and its three main methods.

Overview of Team Europe approach and methods
Figure 1: Overview of Team Europe approach and methods

Table 1 describes the different focuses, objectives, engagement levels, stakeholders, alignment activities and outcomes of joint programming, joint implementation and TEIs.

Table 1: Team Europe approach and methods
Aspect Joint programming Joint implementation Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs)
Main Focus Strategic vision and framework for external action Consistent and coordinated implementation in a specific area Combines strategic planning with implementation; focuses on specific areas of shared interest
Key Objective Create a comprehensive, cross-sectoral shared strategic vision Support more effective and efficient implementation Achieve a transformative impact through coordinated and consistent efforts; become the partner of reference
Engagement Level High-level strategic engagement Implementation level Both strategic and implementation levels
Actors involved in a TEA EU, Member States, partner country representatives etc. Varies according to the specific area of collaboration Broader range of actors following a Team Europe approach at all levels
Alignment With National Development Plan objectives With sectoral development plan objectives and the EU’s policy priorities With national development priorities and the EU’s political and policy priorities
Main Activities Joint political dialogue, joint messaging, harmonised external communication Co-financing, delegated cooperation, support for joint evaluation, policy dialogue mechanisms, etc. Joint intervention logic, joint policy dialogue, joint visibility actions.
Desired outcome Reduce silos and fragmentation, create a unified strategic vision Maximise impact of collective expertise and resources Clear policy focus, transformative impact, better synergies between components

Joint programming, which should be kept voluntary, flexible, inclusive and tailored to the context of the specific country, is the preferred programming method[6]. Where joint programming exists, country-level TEIs and/or joint implementation should be embedded in the strategic objectives identified in the joint programming documents. In those countries where joint programming has not yet been possible, TEIs and joint implementation can be an entry point for strengthening a Team Europe approach and for preparing a future joint programming.

Links between Joint Programming, Team Europe Initiatives and Joint implementation
Figure 2: The key connections between the methods of the Team Europe approach



In Ecuador, the TEIs build on the pillars of the JP and the Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP). The JP was developed based on a mapping of comparative advantages of EU Member States, which proved very useful during the design of the TEIs and allowed Member States to participate through the support of research institutions.

Joint programming document 2021-2027

Specific objectives

  EU multiannual indicative programme 2021-2024   TEI   Global Gateway flagship projects  

Joint implementation


1. Promote investment, a business culture and the creation of supply chains which provide inclusive, diversified and sustainable value 1. Support for sustainable trade and investments

Green economic recovery through the circular and bio- economy

Phase I: Green Deal for Ecuador

Phase II: Ukumari EU-Ecuador Forest Partnership

Phase I: Green Deal for Ecuador (2023) Launch of the national decarbonisation strategy for Ecuador

Launch of national competition for project ideas from municipalities for the development of EU investment projects

Signature of a financing agreement between Spain and Quito Public Drinking Water and Sanitation (construction works ongoing)

Blending project with KFW, AFD and EU on biotrade

Joint formulation of project with GIZ and KFW to produce a pipeline to provide sustainable water and sanitation, and sustainable urban mobility projects

2. Strengthen the sustainable management of natural resources, also everyone can have a better life 2. Improve climate and environment action on green productivity and innovation   Phase II: Forest Partnership to promote the bioeconomy and trade (2024) Signature of AFD loan Agreement on the blending project (see next column)    
3. Promote ‘More society, better State and rights for all’ 3. Good governance            

4 Joint programming is not carried out at regional or global levels.

5 In consultation with national authorities, the UN, World Bank, civil society, and other key stakeholders at country and regional level.

6 Council Conclusions on Team Europe approach, November 2023: