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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents Step 1: concept note

At HQ level, there is regular consultation (approximately every 3-4 months) of Member States’ capitals, Member States’ implementing organisations, EU DFIs, the EI, the EBRD and other actors (as relevant) on EU development cooperation issues (including on Global Gateway) through the relevant EU Directors-General meeting. On such occasions, EU Directors-General are to be consulted on draft TEI concept notes under preparation before TEIs proceed to the design stage. In addition, the Council’s Working Party on Development Cooperation provides a strategic steer for the Team Europe approach.

At country level, for TEI design, consultation with Team Europe participants is often not enough and systematic co-creation processes need to be developed with those participating in the TEI, in a whole-of-delegation/ mission/country representation approach. Heads of Mission involvement in TEI design is of fundamental importance in order to ensure that there is a political steer and that political and policy dialogue is joined up. Pre-existing joint HoMs meetings, which are usually organised by EU delegations, can be used for that purpose, with written follow-up to be coordinated by the EU Head of Delegation and their team. In addition, because the TEIs can go ‘beyond development’ or spill over (into diplomacy, trade, triple nexus, etc.), it is advisable to frequently place TEIs as a point on the agendas for the Heads of Mission meetings. At a minimum, HoMs should validate each TEI twice: ahead of the consultation of EU Directors-General on the concept note and when the design process of the TEIs has been finalised.


In Ecuador, workshops were organised every 2 weeks throughout the TEI design process with Heads of Cooperation of EU Member States and technical staff in order to jointly develop the Joint Intervention Logic and to prepare the financial tables and other documentation. These workshops, which were facilitated by an external expert, ensured a smooth and streamlined process. The support of an external expert and twice-monthly Heads of Cooperation meetings continue to help maintain momentum during implementation.

There is no official template for the TEI concept notes, but the following broad structure can be used as a guide:

  1. Justification and transformative impact of the proposed TEI (context and rationale).
  2. Characteristics and outline of the proposed TEI (description of the TEI’s objectives and cross-cutting issues). This would include a risk analysis to assess, address and mitigate the risks (including those related to human rights and gender equality).
  3. Initial overview of actors following a Team Europe approach that are interested in taking part and their potential contributions.
  4. Articulation of the linkages with other TEIs and multicountry and bilateral initiatives (especially for the regional TEIs).