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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

Annex 4. Template for Stories of Change

TEI Country or region [please specify]
Short title of this report [please specify]
Who is writing this report?

First name: [please specify]

Surname: [please specify]

Title: [please specify]

Agency: [please specify]

Email: [please specify]

Priority area:

☐ Green Deal

☐ Sustainable Growth and 

☐ Digital Transition

☐ Migration

☐ Governance, Peace and Security

☐ Human Development

What change did you observe? [In max 200 words, please describe what the change was, to whom and how it happened, including the motives and roles of different stakeholders, with quantitative data (including baseline) if available]
When did this change take place? [please specify the date/period, or at least year]
Level of change observed (Impact or Specific Objective/Outcome) – following the Joint Intervention Logic for the TEI in question [please specify]
How did the TEI contribute to this change? [please explain in max. 150 words, referring to activities funded by interventions that are part of TEI. Please note especially the value added of working as TE]
Why is this change important, given the context? [please answer in 1 paragraph]
What have you learnt from this experience? [please answer in 1 paragraph]
How have you adapted your operations as a result of your learning (if relevant)? [please answer in 1 paragraph]
Attachments (photos, video, others) [please attach files separately and just list the attachments here]
Any other related change(s) reported already [please provide reference]