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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

2.3 Monitoring activities for individual TEI

The day-to-day monitoring of the implementation of interventions that are part of a TEI will be a continuous process and will follow the usual EU and MS standards and practices.

All TEI members will contribute to the TEI monitoring in their best capacities.

For every TEI, the following optional activities can be done jointly, depending on the local context and the actors’ approach to monitoring:

  • Having developed the Joint Intervention Logic (JIL), it is recommended that TEI members record baseline and progress values for the indicators included in the monitoring matrix. An example of a monitoring matrix is provided in Annex 2. In addition, it is recommended that TEI members periodically update the JIL and the monitoring matrix with any new results and progress on the indicators from the individual components they manage, if relevant. This will enable them to monitor the extent to which TEI contributed to its planned results, specific objective(s) and impact. During implementation, the JIL will also be a tool for guiding and facilitating the design of new interventions around these common results and objectives. TEI members can also use the JIL to coordinate their messages and activities for policy dialogue. Moreover, monitoring of the JIL during implementation can include indicators from the national and other partner frameworks. It should also include any relevant indicator(s) selected from the list for aggregate result reporting (see Chapter 3).
  • In order to enable management decision-making and promote learning on TEI implementation, its members can organise joint monitoring activities for assessing relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, as well as the TEI value added and adequacy of the joint intervention logic. TEI members can conduct this joint monitoring as an internal self-assessment, at their regular coordination meetings, or they can also use technical assistance support for example through EU-funded support measures or the Result Oriented Monitoring (ROM) contract managed by the European Commission services, under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI). These activities can include, for example:
    • Joint planning and management of monitoring visits (e.g. coordinated missions with mixed teams, jointly prepared TOR, etc.);
    • Use of jointly agreed methods / tools, such as assessment criteria and questions;
    • Joint analysis and dialogue on monitoring findings and recommendations (e.g. joint reviews);
    • Joint decision making on follow-up actions based on the monitoring findings. The draft ToR for these activities is provided in Annex 3.
  • At the level of individual interventions/components, TEI members will conduct their own standard, more in-depth monitoring activities, as usual. The progress reports and lessons learned from these individual processes that each TEI member has for itself could be shared and thus contribute to the overall monitoring and updating of TEI, as part of a collaborative exercise. It is also recommended to share lessons resulting from individual processes not only with TE actors but also with national partners.