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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

4.4 CSOs key roles in the 5 EU external action priorities areas

Table 15: CSOs key roles in the five EU external action priority areas.


Provide inputs from various different knowledge fields to change and ultimately improve environment and climate- related policy at the international, national and community level. Raise awareness to change consumers and producers’ behaviour regarding consumption and production patterns (e.g. reducing food loss and waste, dietary change towards more healthy and/or plant-based diets, adoption of circular economy models...) Share good practices e.g. with farmers to help them embrace climate-smart agriculture. Carry out targeted campaigns to prevent the collapse of fish populations, marine mammals and other damages to sea life resulted from industrial fishing and environmental degradation Inform, sensitise and raise awareness of the public, on issues related to energy costs (e.g. electricity tariffs), energy efficiency, consumer rights, pro-poor energy policies, local sustainable energy solutions, clean cooking, etc. Cooperate with the government (national/local) and the private sector to pursue the energy transition, develop pro- poor energy systems, support energy efficiency projects, promote social entrepreneurship and alternative energy systems, develop community-based energy management systems, etc. Cooperate with local actors towards the planning and development of green, smart, climate-resilient cities. Advocate for a sound management of natural resources as well as for the implementation of the Right to Free, Prior and Informed concept for indigenous peoples. Engage with young people and support youth organisations who are often at the forefront of climate activism.


Contribute in strengthening citizens’ digital skills as evidenced by the numerous examples of NGOS providing training (including through coding boot camps). Help reduce the digital gender gap by advocating for legislations that protect girls and women online, by raising awareness on the benefits that the internet can bring or by fighting socio-cultural norms that prevent women from using digital technologies. Civic tech activism can provide valuable tools for civil society organisations to better convey citizens’ voices to governments, hold authorities accountable, inform the population or deliver services. CSOs can notably contribute in creating innovative digital tools by participating in hackathons, ensuring hence those tools are in line with population needs, in particular the younger generations and the most vulnerable. Promote a sound data regulation framework in partner counties. In addition to the data protection issues, CSOs are key actors in the fight against disinformation. Provide support to CSOs in order to strengthen their digital security literacy, and capacity.


Provide technical support and knowledge for MSMEs, e.g. when it comes to improving management, marketing, production and governance capacities or adapting products to local cultural contexts and needs. By grouping smallholders, farmers’ organisations (FOs) help address various capacity constraints related to e.g. productivity, management capacities, land use rights, but they also facilitate access to lending from financial institutions. Mobilise additional resources to be invested. A growing number of diaspora organisations work on the creation of financial mechanisms that can capture diasporas’ savings for support to local development projects and/or business creation. Business and professional associations, such as trade unions and employers’ organisations are of paramount importance in promoting a sound investment climate through social dialogue. Promote responsible business conduct (RBC) and investments with regard to the environment, climate change mitigation and adaptation, decent working conditions and the respect of human rights. Young people can support the design of TVET programmes to ensure inclusiveness and effectiveness.


Sensitise target groups (migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, victims of human trafficking, mention labour migrants and internal displaced persons) about the risks of illegal migration and people smuggling. Provide information about asylum application procedures, etc. Advocate for security reforms, promoting the reform of legislative frameworks to protect vulnerable groups, particularly young migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and other marginalised groups. Provide social, legal or protection services to refugees, asylum seekers, etc. Monitor how authorities treat migrants and raise public as well as citizens awareness as regards any mistreatment. Promote socio economic and environmental initiatives at community level to provide improved opportunities for prospective migrants and address root causes of migration such as climate change and environmental degradation. Establish dialogue and cooperation channels with state actors to develop awareness and capacities to oversee the security sector and prevent human rights violations, e.g. parliament, state audit institutions, police, rule of law, border police, etc.


Contribute to nurturing good governance, predictable regulatory frameworks and respect for the rule of law by monitoring the implementation of public policies, by promoting transparency in public procurements and by leading the fight against corruption, cronyism and illicit financial flows. Pioneer new approaches and pilot initiatives to improve basic services, particularly to vulnerable groups and cooperate with the authorities, at local and national level, to establish Public private Partnerships (PPP). Participate in open and inclusive budgeting processes to shape policies and practices that promote equity and justice. Establish social accountability systems to monitor the quality of services provided by the authorities and sensitize citizens on their use. Work with grass roots, women, youth, and indigenous communities and develop their capacities (e.g. around gender- based violence prevention, legal aid, human rights defenders etc.). Draft parallel/shadow reports on compliance with e.g. international human rights conventions Work with communities, in particular women and youth, to address the roots of violent extremism, promote inter- religious and inter-ethnic dialogue, support social cohesion and strengthen community resilience. Strengthen CSOs evidence-based advocacy capacities to participate in security policy dialogue and programs.