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Crash course on Greening EU Cooperation - 8 June 2021

The webinar is on 8 June 2021 (9-11hrs CET).

You can register through EULearn (EU Staff) and INTPA Academy (externals).

For any further information, please contact Aline Brandstatter (INTPA F2).

Specific objectives

  • Become familiar with the policies of the EU for the integration of the environment and climate change in cooperation;
  • Understand the implications of the European Green Deal with the 2021-2027 programming;
  • Understand the main tools and instruments for the integration of environment and climate change;
  • Find out more about the supports available for the integration of environment and climate change, as well as the self-learning material available.

For who?

We are all responsible for contributing to greening EU international partnerships. This means also: to encourage all sectors to align as much as possible with the European Green Deal. The webinar is therefore open to all EU staff working in delegations and at headquarters. It is particularly aimed at those not working in the fields of environment and climate change.


The webinar material is available below:

Related documents

Greening EU Cooperation - Crash Course 8June21

English (9.58 MB - PDF)