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Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy

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Webinar on Greening EU Cooperation I - The Basics


The world is facing growing climate and environmental challenges: the greening of EU development cooperation is more important than ever.  It is a policy commitment as well as an imperative to achieve the ambition of the European Green Deal, the Sustainable Development Goals and the international agenda on environment and climate change. Integrating (“mainstreaming”) environment and climate change requires the participation of all colleagues.

This introductory training presents the rationale for the integration of environment and climate change in EU development cooperation, taking into account the policy basis, the latest facts and figures on the climate and environmental crisis and their impacts on social and economic development, as well as the opportunities that mainstreaming offers to achieve development objectives.

In particular, it explains the implications of the European Green Deal and international commitments for EU development cooperation and the specific opportunities and challenges under the new programming cycle (2021-2017). 

This 1.5-hour training is complemented by a follow-up module on tools and methods for the integration of environment and climate change in EU development cooperation.


  • The climate and ecological crises (key facts and figures) 
  • Responding to the climate and ecological crises: the policy basis for transformative action 
  • The European Green Deal and its implications for programming 2021-2027
  • Promoting transformative action beyond “do no harm”

Target Audience

The webinar targets colleagues from EU Delegations, DG DEVCO and DG NEAR. Colleagues working on sectors other than environment and climate change are particularly encouraged to attend and colleagues from development partners, including Member States agencies are welcome to join.


Click on the links below to watch the webinar videos and see the presentation.

The climate and ecological crisis

Responding to the climate and ecological crisis: the policy basis

Ambition towards sustainability and climate action

The European Green Deal and its implications for 2021 - 2027

Promoting Transformative action

Related documents

Greening EU Cooperation I - The Basics ( EN)

English (6.87 MB - PDF)