International Organisations
World Bank
World Bank - Environment Wesbite
World Bank - Country Environmental Analysis
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EBRD - Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
Inter-American Development Bank
IADB - Environment and Natural Ressources homepage
African Development Bank
African Development Bank - Environment Homepage
Asian Development Bank
Asian Development Bank - Environment
Global Environment Facility
Global Environnement Facility (GEF-FEM)
OECD - Development Assistance Committee
OECD-DAC - Environment and Development - Homepage
Food and Agriculture Organisation
FAO - Natural Ressources Management and Environment
UN Environment Programme
Global Environment Outlook, UNEP
United Nations Environment Program / GRID-Arendal
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UN Poverty Environment Initiative
Other UN organisations
ECLAC - Natural resources and Infrastructure Division
ECLAC - Sustainable Development and Human Settlments Division
UNESCO - Ecological Sciences for Sustainable Development
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Environment and Energy