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Webinar: Stepping up Disaster Risk Reduction Action for Greening EU Cooperation

Objectives of the webinar

The specific objectives of the series are for participants to: 

  • Understand the basics of disaster risk reduction and the linkages of DRR with the Green Deal and development at large.
  • Be acquainted with the overarching international framework: the Sendai Framework for DRR and its links with climate change and sustainable development agendas.
  • Understand the concept of disaster preparedness as part of DRR and the Humanitarian-Development Nexus. 
  • Learn about key tools, opportunities and entry points available for staff at DEVCO and EU Delegations to step up action on DRR to contribute to partner countries’ development agenda with a particular focus on the new programming phase on the NDICI (2021-2027).
  • Learn from different cases studies on the implementation of the Sendai Framework (environment, health, climate change adaptation, finance, housing, livelihoods).


  • The fundamentals of DRR and links with the EU Green Deal
  • Overarching international framework: Sendai Framework for DRR and links to the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030
  • The Humanitarian – Development Nexus
  • Tools and entry points to support DRR with particular focus on the new programming phase for 2021-2027
  • Case studies: implementation of DRR in several sectors

Target Audience

The webinar is open to all EU staff working in EU Delegations or Headquarters. In particular, those who are not working in environment and climate change sectors are encouraged to participate.

Training Material

The presentation of the learning event is available below.

Click on the following links to watch the videos:

Fundamentals of Disaster Risk Reduction

Overarching international framework

Related documents

Stepping up Disaster Risk Reduction Action for Greening EU Cooperation - 25 Nov 2020

English (5.74 MB - PDF)