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Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy

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Introduction to Green Economy

Practical Information

This training lasts 2-4 days (depending on possible field visits and additional modules on environment integration) and is provided in Brussels (HQ) as well as delegations. 

Training Objectives

The purpose of the course is to develop the capacity of participants to:

  • understand the inclusive green economy concept, scope and transformation process, including the opportunities to address environmental challenges, generate growth, create quality jobs and help reduce poverty;
  • be acquainted with inclusive green economy key priorities and principles in EU Development Cooperation;
  • link EU programmes supporting inclusive green economy with global policy priorities, notably the SDGs and the 10YFP, touching upon the issues of poverty, private sector development and civil society support;
  • jointly explore ways to promote inclusive green economy in focal sectors of EU Development Cooperation;
  • facilitate integration of an inclusive green economy approach into actions formulated/implemented within their sector of expertise; and
  • contribute to knowledge generation through sharing own views and experiences, in particular with regard to their sector of expertise.


The course is facilitated by specialised trainers.

Technical Assistance on inclusive green economy action identification and formulation may be provided, upon request to DEVCO C.2, by the SWITCH to GREEN Facility.

Contact person

Thibault Portevin

Target Audience

The course is aimed at DEVCO staff and DG NEAR staff managing ENI cooperation, both in Delegations and Headquarters, as well as at IPA colleagues working in Delegations.

It is also open, according to availability of seats (i.e. on a 2nd priority), for HQ to colleagues from other DGs and for Delegations to EU Member States representations in the relevant region or country, Development cooperation partners, Government and other national representatives from the country.


This course is offered in English


The course is structured in 7 modules:

  • Module 1: Why the green economy? Addressing environmental challenges and seizing economic opportunities: a. Overview of global and regional environmental challenges; b. cost of inaction to address environmental degradation; c. economic opportunities from integrating the environment into a new economic model.
  • Module 2: Understanding inclusive green economy: a. Defining inclusive green economy; b. Inclusive green economy approaches by developing countries.
  • Module 3: Inclusive green economy in EU development cooperation: key priorities: a. Private sector led growth; b. Enabling policy and regulatory frameworks; c. Green investments and access to finance for MSMEs; d. Mainstreaming the green economy across relevant sectors of EU international cooperation.
  • Module 4: Inclusive green economy in EU development cooperation: key principles: a. Promoting a green economy that is inclusive and reduces poverty; b. Building on EU's domestic experience and promoting partnerships of mutual interest; c. Promoting the green economy in partner countries through policy coherence.
  • Module 5: Inclusive green economy in project/programme formulation: a. opportunities to integrate inclusive green economy considerations in programme/project formulation processes (Action Document)
  • Module 6: Promoting inclusive green economy in various EU cooperation sectors: a. EU inclusive green economy cooperation in the context of the 2030 agenda.
  • Module 7: International cooperation for an inclusive green economy – the SWITCH to Green Initiative: a. overview of the SWITCH to Green flagship initiative; b. EU IGE portfolio; c. main results of the EU development cooperation on SCP evaluation; d. Indicators development; e. Technical Assistance opportunities by the SWITCH to Green Facility.

Course Materials


Session 1: Why Green Economy? Addressing environmental challenges and seizing economic  opportunities

Session 1a: additional modules

Session 2: Understanding inclusive Green Economy

Session 2a: additional modules & exercises

Session 3: Inclusive Green Economy in EU development cooperation - key priorities

Session 3a: additional modules

Session 4: Inclusive Green Economy in EU development cooperation - key principles

Session 4a: additional modules

Session 5: Inclusive Green Economy in project/programme formulation

Session 6: Promoting Inclusive Green Economy in various EU cooperation sectors

Session 6a: additional modules

Session 7: International cooperation for an Inclusive Green Economy - the SWITCH to Green Initiative

Session 7a: additional modules