Technical support facilities
Technical assistance facilities support INTPA, ENEST, MENA and EU Delegations' staff in programming and implementing the European Green Deal external dimension, to achieve the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, across the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The Facilities are composed of technical experts that provide thematic guidance, technical support, training and communication in the following thematic areas of the Global Public Goods and Challenges thematic programme: environment and climate change; biodiversity, wildlife and ecosystems; forestry; water; sustainable energy; green cities and sustainable mobility; and green economy.
The EU Greening Facility: Provides training, methodological guidance and other support to DG INTPA, DG ENEST, DG MENA, EU Delegations and other partners with mainstreaming environment, climate change and biodiversity in development cooperation programmes and projects. Contact: Bernard Crabbe and Juan Palerm > Cecile Leemans and Bernardo Sala > Aikaterini Tsakmakidou and Bernardo Sala > |
The EU Global Support Facility for Nationally Determined Contributions: Provides support to climate change adaptation and mitigation, and disaster risk reduction. Contact: |
B4Life - Biodiversity for Life: Supports knowledge-sharing and project identification to increase the quality and coherence of programmes and projects targeting ecosystems, biodiversity and climate change, and promote their visibility. Contact: |
The Forests for the Future Facility assists DG INTPA in implementing EU global forest policy objectives and actions, and in particular Forest Partnerships, providing support to contribute to healthy forest ecosystems and economic growth in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America. Contact: | |
SWITCH to Green Facility: Provides technical advice on green economy issues and informs the design of projects to support the capitalisation of knowledge on developing an inclusive green (notably circular) economy in partner countries. Contact: Alexander Charalambous > |
Water Facility: Promotes and gives advice on integrated water resources management and good sanitation practices. Contact: |
Farm to Fork: Advisory services for sustainable agri-food systems, including nutrition, value chains, resilience, sustainable production and food safety. Contact: Willem Olthof > |
Technical Asistance Facility for Sustainable Energy: Assists DG INTPA's staff and partner countries in improving regulatory frameworks, enhancing institutional capacities and mobilising investments in sustainable energy. Contact: |
Sustainable Urban Development Facility: Supports actors managing or implementing EU cooperation programmes at global, regional and country level to assess, design, monitor, implement and evaluate sustainable urban development and planning interventions and to support policy work on this matter. Contact: |
Sustainable and Smart Mobility Facility: Supports the implementation of the European Green Deal target to reduce transport-related greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2050. This includes increasing the uptake of zero-emission vehicles; making sustainable alternative solutions available to the public & businesses; supporting digitalisation & automation; and, improving connectivity & access. Contact: |