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Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy

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Towards Sustainable Development: Greening EU Development Cooperation

Practical Information

This course lasts two days and can take place both in Brussels (HQ) and Delegation.

Please note that participants of this course are requested to become members of and to join this group (Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy).

Click here for intructions on how to join a group.


Training Objectives

The specific objectives of the course are for participants to:

  • Understand how mainstreaming of environment and climate change contributes to the implementation of the new policy agenda for development cooperation, environment and climate change;
  • Understand basic concepts related to mainstreaming of environment and climate change and the linkages between environment, climate change and development in different sectors;
  • Understand the entry points, opportunities, challenges and key tools for integrating environment and climate change in the EU cycle of operations;
  • Identify opportunities and mechanisms to effectively integrate environment and climate change in the next programming;
  • Understand the challenges and opportunities to ensure investments and the European External Investment Plan contribute to environmentally sustainable, low carbon and climate resilient development.

Complementarities with other courses and prerequisites:

The course focuses primarily on mainstreaming of environment and climate change in the EU project and programme management cycle, tools and actions. It complements the 3-day course on “Towards Sustainable Development: greening national development”, which focuses on mainstreaming in national policies and plans, and the 2-day course “Inclusive green economy”, which focuses on the green economy.

Participants are invited to choose the course(s) they attend accordingly. Guidance can be provided by Unit C2 or C6 in selecting the most appropriate course(s).



The course is facilitated by two specialised trainers with interventions by the Mainstreaming Facility.


Target Audience

The target audience of the course are colleagues from delegations and headquarters who are involved in environment and climate relevant sectors such as agriculture, energy, private sector development, trade, health, education, governance and other sectors.

The training audience also includes colleagues from delegations and headquarters overseeing an environmental or climate change portfolio. The approach will encourage these colleagues to take a very active role in the training.

As prerequisite participants will be asked to become familiar with definitions and concepts related to the environment, climate change, green economy and integration. Participants will be invited to share in advance a project or programme of their choice to work on during the course, thereby getting from the course direct and immediate results for their work.

Group exercises and case studies are designed so that the different roles and levels of experience and knowledge of different target groups are taken into account. 

Although not the primary target audience, when taking place in a developing country, the training course will be open to a limited number of government officials and other in-country stakeholders.



For the moment this course exists in English and Spanish.


Outline and Course Materials

The 2 day course is composed of 7 modules as shown below:

Module 1: Maintreaming and its Policy Basis

Module 2: Development environment and climate change

Module 3a: Entry points

Module 3b: Module 3b EIA+EMP+CRA

Module 4: SEA

Module 5: Programming

Module 6: Investments

Support from HQ

Interaction and learning is promoted using a combination of presentations, group discussion, group exercises, case studies and development of individual or team action plans.


Accompanying Documentation for Further Reading

Key reference documents include: