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Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy

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Updates on International Climate Negotiations


The 1.5-hour session will present the current international climate change policy framework and architecture. It will address the most recent negotiation developments and challenges in the context of the Paris Agreement, and highlights the EU positions. It will particularly focus on the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) established under the Agreement and outline how these can contribute to partner countries’ development agenda, and how to support NDCs in practice as part of the future programming 2021-2027. 


  • The climate challenge: introduction and key facts 
  • The international climate change policy framework: outline of key elements 
  • Recent developments in international climate negotiations 
  • Climate negotiations and the future EU external cooperation agenda 

Target Audience

EUD project managers, Team Leaders and Heads of Cooperation at EUD level, DEVCO, NEAR and EEAS policy officers and project managers.


Click on the links below to watch the webinar videos and see the presentation.

International Climate Policy Framework

International Climate Policy Framework Decision-Making

Recent Developments in International Climate Negotiations

Climate Negotiations and the Future EU External Cooperation Agenda

How to Support NDCs in Practice


Related documents

Greening EU Cooperation - Updates on International Climate Negotiations ( EN)

English (1.66 MB - PDF)