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Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy

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Other related tools

Environmental audit

Environmental Audits are used to verify the compliance of a project or facility with environmental requirements. They can be used to review compliance with environmental legislation and standards, environmental management systems, environmental management plans, or any other set benchmarks.

Environmental management systems

Environmental management systems (EMS) are voluntary and certifiable schemes that can be implemented by any organisation to evaluate, report and improve their environmental performance. The most widely recognised international EMS is ISO 14001:2015 and the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), although various EMS exist at national level.

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), EC-DG Environment

ISO 14000 - International Organisation for Standardization

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems - Requirements with guidance for use

ISO 14004:2016 Environmental management systems - General guidelines on implementation

ISO 14031:2013 Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines

ISO 19011:2011 Guidelines for auditing management systems

Other impact assessment tools

Other impact assessment tools may be used in conjunction with environmental assessment tools, or in specific circumstances be a substitute for them. Useful links to some of these tools are provided below.

Health Impact Assessment

EU Health Systems Impact Assessment tool

Health Impact Assessment (HIA), WHO

International Health Impact Assessment Consortium (IMPACT)

Introducing Health Impact Assessment (HIA): informing the decision making process, NHS, 2002

Social Impact Assessment

Poverty and Social Impact Analysis, World Bank

SIA Resources

SIA: International Principles, IAIA

Vanclay, F., Esteves, A.M., Aucamp, I. & Franks, D. 2015. Social Impact Assessment: Guidance for assessing and managing the social impacts of projects. Fargo ND: International Association for Impact Assessment

Social and Environmental Assessment

Social and environmental assessment procedures combine SIA and EIA in a single procedure.

Performance Standards on Social & Environmental Sustainability - Guidance Notes (IFC, 2012)

Social and Environmental Assessment and Management Systems (IFC, 2006)

Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment

Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) is a process undertaken during trade negotiations which seeks to contribute to sound, evidence-based and transparent trade negotiations by assessing the potential economic, social and environmental impacts of a trade agreement. The SIA feeds into and steer the negotiations, assessing the changes that are likely to be caused by the trade agreement, helping to identify possible trade-offs, and ensuring that the related policy choices are optimised.


More information on: Sustainability Impact Assessment, EC, Trade Website