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Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy

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Table of contents

Webinar: Introduction to the Circular Economy

Objectives of the webinar

The specific objectives of the series are for participants to: 

  • Enhance their knowledge and understanding of the Green Deal’s main priority areas, focusing on circular economy: state of play, latest policy developments and implications for EU cooperation;
  • Be acquainted with practical approaches in circular economy policy development and implementation, including lessons learnt from relevant EU cooperation initiatives. 


  • Going circular: a new economic model explained
  • EU’s ambition to lead a global transition to the circular economy
  • National level processes towards circular economy
  • The circular economy results chain
  • Tools and further guidance

Target audience

The webinar is open to all EU staff working in EU Delegations or Headquarters dealing with cooperation areas related to circular economy, including private sector development, trade, economic integration, sustainable finance, employment, cities, environment and climate change etc.

Training material

The webinar presentation is available below.

Click on the following links to watch the videos:

Going Circular. A New Economic Model Explained

EU's Ambition to Lead a Global Transition to the Circular Economy

National Level Processes Towards Circular Economy

The Circular Economy Results Chain


Go to INTPA Academy


Related documents

Introduction to Circular Economy presentation 15 Jan 2021

English (4.44 MB - PDF)