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Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy

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Policy Dialogue on Environment and Climate Change

Policy Dialogue on Environment and Climate Change

The overall objective of this training is to enhance the capacity of staff in EU Delegations and headquarters to engage effectively and efficiently on policy dialogue on environment and climate change issues. In light of the growing importance of addressing environmental issues in partner countries, policy dialogue on environment and climate change is of particular relevance for EU cooperation.

Specifically, the training aims to raise awareness about opportunities for and the potential of policy dialogue on environmental and climate change. It further seeks to equip participants with knowledge about the rationale of a structured policy dialogue, key tools and offers opportunity to put theory into practice in the course of group exercises. The training also intends to inform participants about existing policy dialogue channels and processes (green and climate diplomacy, bilateral dialogues, Multilateral Environmental Agreements).


Practical Information

The training is paperless. All material will be made available and distributed on USB keys.

This course is designed as a 1-day training course to take place in Brussels (HQ).

Please note that participants of this course are requested to become members of and to join this group (Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy).

Click here for instructions on how to join a group.


Training Objectives


The objective of this training is to equip participants with basic notions of the rationale, challenges and potential of a structured approach to policy dialogue. Practical exercises will focus on key issues related to a strategic policy dialogue on environment and climate change. Key thematic aspects covered in the training include:

  • How to identify and take advantage of opportunities, productive venues and entry points for policy dialogue;

  • Good practices and lessons learnt based on concrete examples and evaluations;

  • Tools for conceiving, organizing a consistent and meaningful engagement in policy dialogue and monitoring progress;

  • Dealing with people, problem and process dimensions in preparing and facilitating policy dialogue.

The course combines presentations, discussions of concrete examples and group exercises, putting theory into practice. Experienced colleagues from DG ENV, CLIMA, DEVCO EUDs and/or EEAS (green diplomacy) will share their insights and examples related to policy dialogue on environment and climate change.


Course Material



For further reference: