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Environment, Climate Change and Green Economy

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DEVCO Environment Week 2018

The DEVCO Environment Week 2018 was successfully carried out and served to strengthen the capacity of the staff  in EU delegations and headquarters to promote environmental sustainability through policy dialogue, programming and investments.

At the time the European Commission is putting forward its proposals for the next Multiannual Financial Framework and putting in motion the new External Investment Plan, the Week has provided an opportunity to discuss how to effectively mainstream environment in future programming and investments on water, biodiversity, wildlife and ecosystems, forests, sustainable land management, green economy and pollution.

Final report and presentations of this successful week are available here:

DEVCO Environment Week 2018 Final Report

High-level opening session

IPBES Regional and Land Degradation Assesments of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Ecosystem Services | Robert T. Watson.

Environmental and climate change and new cooperation instruments

The EU's External Investment Action Plan | Paulus Geraedts.

MULTIANNUAL FINANCIAL FRAMEWORK 2021-2027 | Bernard San Emeterio Cordero.

Biodiversity and ecosystems – EU action and the global agenda

Global deal for nature & people | Pascal Canfin.

Post 2020 global biodiversity framework | Anne Theo Seinen.

Preparing for the World Wildlife Conference 2019 (CITES CoP18) | Matthias Leonhard Maier.

Biodiversity4Life | Philippe Mayaux.

DEVCO study on the links between wildlife and security in Africa | Paul Elkan.

The fight against wildlife trafficking in South-East Asia | Sutthiya Chantawarangul, EUD Thailand.

Landscape and seascape management for achievement of multiple SDGs

Towards integrated approach and financing mechanisms for sustainable landscape and seascape management | Robert Nasi, DG CIFOR.

Biodiversity and ecosystems II: landscapes and seascapes | Bernard Crabbé.

The management of the Pantanal wetlands: an asset for long-term development of the region | Christina Carvalho & Cassio Bernardino.

Bale Eco-region project | WWF.

Seascape Management: Integrated approach to ocean governance and management.

Joint Research Centre Tools for landscape/seascape management | Stephen Peedell.

Forests, deforestation and the 2030 Agenda

Forests are an overlooked and undervalued asset in the struggle to achieve SDGs | Mario Boccucci.

Forest Contributions to the UN 2030 Agenda | Thais Linhares Juvenal.

Innovative financing mechanism and investments in the forest sector | Timm Tennigkeit.

Leveraging private capital for deforestation-free commodity production through public funding | Frank Nagel.

The EU Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) 2018-2022 | Patrice Moussy.

Incentivizing small-holders through innovative public-private partnerships on sustainable agri-commodities | Adeline Dontenville.

Lessons from EUDs in managing a FLEGT dialogue/process and forest budget support programme | Solomon IOANNOU.

Training on policy dialogue – focus on environment and climate change

Policy dialogue training | Andrew Murphy.

Rationale, challenges and potential of a structured approach to Policy Dialogue | Thomas Theisohn.

Strategic approach to policy dialogue Lessons, structured preparations, tools, monitoring, top tips | Thomas Theisohn.

Economic transformation: an essential condition for SDGS compliant future | Janez POTOČNIK.

Greening development: Mainstreaming environment and climate change in EU cooperation

Lessons learnt and way forward – 10 shades of green | Bernard Crabbé & Etienne Coyette.

Mainstreaming environment and climate change: achievements, lessons and challenges | Egger Topper.

EU international cooperation on green economy and investments

EU cooperation on the Green Economy: Recent developments and state of play | Thibaut Portevin, DEVCO C.2.

Inclusive Green Economy as a Focal Sector of Bilateral Cooperation with Uganda | Michelle Labeeu.

Promoting green business through Private Sector Development by Thanh Hoang.

Green Economy in budget support: the case of Colombia | Johny Ariza Milanes, EUD Colombia.

EBRD Green investments experience, and EIP | Sumeet Manchanda.

The key role of water for environmental sustainability

Presentation of the Reference Document on Water | Claudio Bacigalupi.

The Nexus Regional Dialogues (NRD) Programme | Sarah Beerhalter.

The Water Convention: an instrument to promote development and stability | Francesca Bernardini.

Emerging issues: Sustainable development: the urban dimension and the role of cities

Sustainable Development - The role of Cities/the urban angle | Lars Gronvald, DEVCO C.5.


Programme de développement et d’assainissement urbain en Guinée | Olivier Chanoine.

Sustainable, integrated urban and territorial development and Multilevel collaboration in development cooperation towards 2030 | Yunus Arikan.

Conclusions and way forward

DEVCO Environment Week 2018 - Conclusions and way forward.