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Circular Economy and Pollution (25 June 2021)

The webinar is on 25 June 2021 (9.30-11hrs CET).

For any further information, please contact Aline Brandstatter (INTPA F2).

Specific objectives

•    Enhance their knowledge and understanding of the Green Deal’s main priority areas, focusing on the circular economy and on pollution: state of play, latest policy developments and implications for EU cooperation;

•    Be acquainted with practical approaches in circular economy and pollution-related policy development and implementation, including lessons learnt from relevant EU cooperation initiatives.

For who?

We are all responsible for contributing to greening EU international partnerships. This means also that this webinar is open to all EU staff working in EU Delegations or Headquarters, dealing with cooperation areas related to circular economy and pollution, including private sector development, trade, economic integration, sustainable finance, employment, cities, environment and climate change, etc. The webinar is therefore open to participants from the OECD DAC Network and partner organizations.


Click on the links below to watch the webinar videos and see the presentation.

Going circular and zero pollution

EU a global transition to the circular economy and the global fight against pollution

National level processes towards circular economy

Circular economy intervention areas

The webinar presentation is available below.


Related documents

Greening EU Cooperation - Circular economy 25June21

English (4.34 MB - PDF)