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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

 Library items

Table of contents

5. IESF Library Structure

The IESF Library contains studies, reports, good practices and leassons learned from the main institutions and organizations working worldwide on the themes of Informal Economy, Social Inclusion and related fields. 

Dynamic maps were created to facilitate the search and the prioritize the documents.

You can find here the link to IESF Library Structure dynamic map about thematic sections, where the documents uploaded on the IESF Group can be found according to following categories:

  1. Informal Economy (Macro and Meso Level)
  2. Enabling Environment
  3. Training and Education
  4. Micro-Finance
  5. Social Inclusion and Social Protection
  6. Social Dialogue


photo libre


The Library contains also a specific section on project management.

This section collects useful documents that are uploaded in the IESF library and that can provide you with guidance and tips for an effective management of your project.

Please, select from the following categories: