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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Tanzania - Plan UK



Place of the action: Tanzania

Title of the project in the original language: Partnership  to  enhance  livelihoods  and  social  inclusion  of marginalised  young  people  dependent  on  the  informal  economy

Applicant: Plan International UK

Co-applicants : Voluntary  Service  Overseas, Community  Development  and  Relief  Trust, Uhamasishaji  Hifadhi  Kisarawe, Vocational Training and Education Authourity

Total duration of the action: 36 months

Objective of the action:

To  contribute  to poverty reduction  and social  exclusion  among  vulnerable groups  dependent  on  the  informal  sector  in  Tanzania.

To  improve  and  increase  opportunities  for  wage  and  self-employment  among  marginalised  young  men  and  women  dependent  on  the  informal  sector  in  Dar  es Salaam,  Pwani, Morogoro,  Lindi  and  Mtwara  regions.

To  improve  economic  empowerment  among  marginalised young  men  and  women  through  meaningful  participation  and  stronger  linkages  between  youth  groups, government  and  the  private  sector.

Target groups:

Wider  community  leadership  and  parents/guardians  (around  18,200)  will  be  targeted  through  community campaigns  to  promote  their  support  for  equal  livelihood  opportunities  for  marginalised  young  women  and men,  and  an  enabling  environment  for  youth  to  participate  in  the  action,  who  might  otherwise  face  barriers due  to  social  perceptions  or  gendered  workloads.


Final beneficiaries:  9,100 young women and men

Expected results:

R1. 9.100 marginalised young  men  and  women  have  improved  market-relevant  skills  and knowledge

R2. Marginalised  young  women  and  men  access  financial  services  and  employment opportunities

R3. Increased knowledge among young men, women, and employers of government policies and  services,  and  of  labour  market  information

R4. Marginalised  young  women  and  men  are  empowered  to  represent  their  interests  in the labour market  and  government  decision  making  processes

Contact person: Paola De Munari -

Video of the project: