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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Tanzania - Oikos


Place of the action: Tanzania


Title of the project in the original language: Investing  in  Maasai  women  for  improving  rural  community  wellbeing

Applicant: Oikos  East  Africa

Co-applicants: Maasai  Pastoralist Foundation, TRIAS VZW, Marketplace Literacy Communities Trust

Total duration of the action: 48 months

Projected implementation from field work launching to closing of the action:  1 April 2015 - 31 March 2009

Objective of the action: To contribute to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods of  vulnerable  rural  Maasai communities  in  Arusha  Region. To promote the social and economic inclusion of Maasai women groups in pastoralist communities of Arusha, Monduli  and Longido Districts.

Target groups: 

  • Unskilled, poorly educated, underemployed Maasai women: 5.000 trained in Consumer and Marketplace Literacy;
  • 500 trained in process and market of livestock related products and English; 
  • 8 women Members-Based Organizations (MBOs), 250 women each of which 80 trained in business management;
  • 8 Village Community Banks (VICOBA);
  • 25 Traditional Women Groups (TWGs);
  • 8 Ward administrative offices representatives.


Final beneficiaries:  80,200  rural  villagers  living  in  the  target  8  Wards. 600,000  persons  living  in  three  Districts (Arusha,  Monduli,  Longido)

Expected results: 

R1. Developed  skills  to  improve  employability  and  income-generation  activities  among rural  women

R2. Access  to  socio-economic  services  increased  and  living  conditions  improved  for 2,000  members  of  the  8  MBOs  newly established

R3. Empowerment  and  institutional  strengthening  of  25  existing  Traditional  Women groups

R4. Awareness and knowledge increased among pastoralist target villages on civil and social rights

Contact person: Ramadhani Kupaza:

Francesca Lucchi: