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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Colombia - Antioquia


Place of the action: Colombia


Title of the project in the original language: Generación de capacidades para acceder al empleo y el emprendimiento con el fin de reducir la pobreza, la exclusión social y los riesgos de la economía informal

Applicant: Gobernación de Antioquia

Total duration of the action: 36 months

Objective of the action: To build capacity for employment and entrepreneurship in order to reduce poverty and social exclusion of vulnerable people dependent on the informal economy, or at  risk of being dependent on it, in 8 municipalities in the region of Urabá, Antioquia. To provide access to information and training in order to improve job opportunities  for young and adult people dependent on informal economy or at risk of becoming dependent on it. To foster a culture of entrepreneurship, supporting business creation and strengthening strategic sectors in the region of Urabá. To train young and adult dependent on informal economy in labour law, social security mechanisms and on the ways to access to social services. To boost scenarios for capacity building in work and entrepreneurship, and create a coordination system of services and information that affect market access.

Target groups: Vulnerable people, dependent on the informal economy or at  risk of being dependent in 8 municipalities in the region of Urabá, Antioquia

Final beneficiaries:  14,000 people who receive training in basic skills, human skills, appropriation of ICTs and complementary courses

Expected results:

R1.  Offer of relevant training programs in the framework of the project that respond to market demand and to the needs of the territory

R2. Diagnostics on the demand for centralized labour markets complemented and analyzed

R3. Strengthening local capacities in terms of knowledge transfer to training institutions for work, local human talent and local policy issues

R4. Virtual training in basic skills and ICT, offered and used by youth and adults of the 8 municipalities of Urabá

R5. Youth and adults benefit from stipends to facilitate access to job training, human development and entrepreneurship

R6. Training programs for job and human development and entrepreneurship in 8 remote municipalities of Urabá

R7. Youth and adults who have integrated formation processes through work and human development and / or entrepreneurship in their life project

R8. Three thousand (3,000) Youth and adults sensitized in entrepreneurship

R9. In 36 months, 20% of formed participants will take part in a seminar on job skills and at least 50% of them will show greater interest and skills (or culture) for entrepreneurship

R10. In 36 months, 150 adult managers will strengthen their management skills to manage their businesses

R11. In 36 months, 30 ventures will operate under the methodology of pre-incubation and at least 10 will work

R12. Twenty (20) enterprises up with business projects that address the needs of the environment and the projection of the company

R13. In 36 months, 100 representatives or members of public and private institutions present in the territory, will acquire knowledge and receive transfer of good practices in entrepreneurial culture

R14. Youth, adults and social and productive members of each municipality with greater knowledge of labour law and social security and access to basic services organizations

R15. Forums and events held so that the productive and social organizations can participate and build greater capacity to influence discussions on labour law and social security

R16. Conferences and referencing mechanisms to basic services performed in the Educational Park

R17. Educational parks operate to create innovative and creative scenarios

R18. Programs and training services, entrepreneurship, strengthened business operating in the Parks

View the presentation of our project through this link



Video of the project: