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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Kenya - Oxfam GB



Place of the action: Kenya

Title of the project in the original language: Promoting livelihoods and Inclusion of vulnerable women domestic workers and women small scale traders

Applicant: Oxfam GB

Co-applicants: SITE Enterprise Promotion, National Organization of Peer Educators (NOPE) 

Total duration of the action: 48 months

Projected implementation dates from field work launching to closing of the action: 30.12.2014 to 29.12.2018

Objective of the action: To contribute to achieve secure and productive lives for vulnerable population dependent on informal economy in Nairobi Urban, enhancing the socio-economic empowerment of poor and vulnerable urban women dependent on the informal economy in Nairobi Urban.

Target groups: Young and adult women depending on domestic work and small micro trading; State agencies: Nairobi City County Government, Ministry of Labour Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute, National Police Service Commission, Women Enterprise Fund, National Health Insurance Fund Kenya National Commission on Human Rights; Non-State Actors:Central Organisation of Trade Unions, Kenya Union of Domestic Workers Hotel Education Institutions and Allied Workers, International Labour Organisation, banks and micro finance institutions, Small and Medium Enterprises Programme, Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and Kituo cha Sheria.


Final beneficiaries: 10,000 women domestic workers and 20,000 small-scale traders, their families and communities. 1.38 million of the people dependent on domestic work and small and micro enterprise will benefit.

Expected results: 

R1. Increased livelihood opportunities and social support options of women target groups;

R2. Greater equity and resilience of women target groups;

R3. Women target groups empowered about their rights and having a collective voice;

R4. Government and other stakeholders well informed and delivering their responsibilities with increased efficiency.

Contact persons: 

Wendy Okolo -

Lilyanne Ndinda -

Video of the project: