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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Bolivia - FAUTAPO


Place of the action: Bolivia


Title of the project in the original language: Producción con formación, una alternativa para el trabajo digno e inclusión social

Applicant: Fundación Educación para el Desarrollo FAUTAPO

Co-applicants: Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Oruro, Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Potosí

Total duration of the action: 43 months

Project implementation dates from field work launching to closing of the action: from 1 March 2015 to 30 September 2018

Objective of the action:

To contribute to the socioeconomic empowerment of women and men, both young and adults, in situation of vulnerable employment in the municipalities of Cercado, Oruro department, and Potosi, Potosi department.

To improve the productive, working and personal capacities of women and men self-employed or employed in small enterprises in the construction, food, engineering and textile sectors, by strengthening their capacities, consolidating the representative associations/organizations of the prioritized sectors (in order to manage the access to social protection and to micro business and financial services) and structuring the public and private actors dealing with employment promotion, access to market and social protection

Target groups:  Autonomous municipalities of Oruro y Potosí


Final beneficiaries:  1700 families in the town of Oruro (= 7128 inhabitants) and 1386 families in the town of Potosi (= 5816 inhabitants) engaged in the production of food, mechanical, textile and metal construction


Expected results:

R1. Strengthening productive, working and personal capacities of women and men self-employed or right-based employed in small enterprises in order to improve the quality of products and services of individual productive units or small business.

R2. Associations and organizations with capabilities to support production and marketing and to negotiate health and accident insurance, the adoption of occupational safety measures and access to financial and not financial services in favor of their affiliates.

R3. Local governments implementing social protection strategies for workers in the informal economy and small business services.

R4. Public education authorities with learning processes orientated to self- entrepreneurship and small business.

Contact person:

Video of the project: