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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Amina (Plan UK)

Name: Amina

Project sector: Livelihoods

Implementing Partner: Plan International (UK)

Location: Tanzania

Project: link

Meet Amina. She is a 27 year old married mother of four - twoof which are baby twins. She is being supported by Plan UK in Kibaha district, Tanzania with employment opportunities. This project aims to train and empower disadvantaged youth and women to improve their access to sustainable earning potential. Through this approach we are creating a lasting change to lives in the long-term.

Amina’s family depends solely on their agriculture activities to survive. This is severely affected by weather conditions – including drought and floods. She tells us that looking after twins makes earning money very hard.

Amina has never gone to school, but has been nursing a dream to do business - especially selling clothes or food with a hope to sustain her family and ultimately to have enough money to educate her children.

“Although I have never gone to school, I have a dream to be a prominent foodstuff vendor one day in the area and be able to give my children education.The moment I pool starting capital I would venture into the business”, she told us.

Amina’s dream is coming true with this three year project being implemented by Plan UK and the EC - she has already enrolled to do a tailoring apprenticeship.

Through this project she is expected to gain skills to advance her business dreams as well asknowledge on Village Savings and Loan Associations, where she will learn how to manage her earnings.

Update: April 2016

Previously she told us that her family depends solely on their agriculture activities to survive. These are severely affected by weather conditions, such as drought and floods. Having to look after her children, especially the baby twins, makes earning money very hard. But things have started to look up for her since she was enrolled on a tailoring apprenticeship as part of the project. Her dream to own her own business has started to become within her reach.

Amina was struggling to cross the river during the rainy season to attend the course and to find childcare. In an attempt to support her, her husband was accepted on the same course. Her husband told us “Whatever affects my wife, affects me as well. When the children become sick, we all carry them to the health centre. I have got this golden chance of undertaking the course to be able to accrue some income to sustain our family”.

The Plan project coordinator, Adolf, noted “We are always supporting many mothers who are facing the challenge of babysitting and Amina is given priority due to socio-economic difficulties she faces”.

Dedicated to improving her family’s situation and pursuing her dream of having her own business, Amina told us her ultimate goal now is to finish the course in the next few months.

“I am optimistic to complete the course despite the circumstances” she concludes.
