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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Rwanda - Ajprodho Jijukirwa


Place of the action: Rwanda


Title of the project in the original language: Youth Employability in the Informal Sector

Applicant: Association  de  la  Jeunesse  pour  la  Promotion  des  Droits  de  l’Homme et  le  Développement  (AJPRODHO-JIJUKIRWA)

Co-applicants : Young  Women’s  Christian  Association  of  Rwanda, CARE  Österreich  -  Association  for  Development  Cooperation and  Humanitarian  Assistance.

Total duration of the action: 48  months

Project implementation dates from field work launching to closing of the action: 1st February 2015 to 31st January 2019

Objective of the action: The  Youth  Employability  in  the  Informal  Sector  (YEIS)  project  has  been  designed  to  contribute  to  the elimination  of  poverty  of  youth  (16-30  years) dependent  on  the  informal  sector  in  Rwanda . The  project’s  specific objectives are:  conducting evidence-based advocacy for a more appropriate legal and policy framework and its efficient implementation; increasing technical, financial and entrepreneurial skills for 8000 youth (70% women) in informal sector; increasing access to information, financial and business services for youth in informal sector by facilitating them unite in VSL groups, cooperatives and labour unions; facilitating youth working in informal sector take steps towards the regularization or formalization of their activities. 


Target groups:


Street vendors, taxi bicycles, domestic workers, workers in hair salons and restaurants,  workers in tea plantations and mines.

Expected results:

R1. 8.000  youth  dependent  on  the  informal  sector  have  increased their  productivity, employability  and  market  access

R2. the  legal  and  policy  framework  is  more  appropriate  for  and  more efficient  in  reaching  youth  dependent  on  the  informal  economy

R3. 4.000  youth  dependent  on  the  informal  economy  are  able  to  successfully  engage  with duty  bearer  through  cooperatives  and  other  representative  organizations

R4. 8.000  youth  dependent  on  the  informal  sector  have  been  enabled  to  take  steps towards  the  regularization  or  formalization  of  their  enterprise  or  working  relationship

Contact person: Florence Kebatesi. E-mail: -

Video of the project: