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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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India - ActionAid


Place of the action: India


Title of the project in the original language: Securing  rights  and  sustainable  livelihoods  through  collective  action and  education  for  people  dependent  on  the  informal  economy  in  India

Applicant: ActionAidAssociation

Total duration of the action: 48 months

Objective of the action: The  overall  aim  of  the  action  is  to  secure  sustainable  livelihoods  and  protect the  social  and  economic  rights  of  vulnerable  people  dependent  on  informal  economy  in  32  cities  and 18  districts  in  15  states  of  India. The specific objective  is  to  secure  sustainable  livelihoods and  protect  the  social  and economic  rights  of  vulnerable people  dependent  on  informal economy  in  14  states  of  India. Therefore, marginalised  people  in  rural  and urban  areas  dependent  on  the informal  economy  are  empowered to  access  social  protection  and decent  work


Beneficiaries:  100,000  marginalised  people  in  rural  and  urban  areas  dependent  on  informal economy. 


Expected results:

R1:  Marginalised  people dependent  on  informal  economy have  increased  awareness  of  and better  access  to  their  socio-economic  rights  and  entitlements relating  to  decent  work

R2:  People  dependent  on informal  economy,  particularly women  and  youth  have  the  skills and  capacity  to  access  a  wider range  of  livelihoods  through  skills building  and  vocational  training

R3: Creation  of  knowledge base  and  information  sharing platform  to  train  civil  society  actors working  with  PIEs - people depending on the informal economy-  and  government officials  for  two-way  linkages between  grassroots  work  and policy  level  knowledge

Contact person:

Video of the project: