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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Rafael Vitar (Antioquia)



Name: Rafael Vitar

Project sector: Enterpreunership

Implementing Partner: Gobernación de Antioquia

Location: Turbo – Antioquia, Colombia

Project details: link

Rafael Vitar is a shoemaker. However it wasn't always that way. He learnt how to weld when he was quite young and worked during fifteen years in his hometown. Still, due to the lack of employment in his field of work he moved to Turbo. He spent a decade traveling around the country looking for a job. He knew how to fix shoes so when he arrived to Nueva Colonia, a little town in the coastline of the Atlactic Ocean near to Panama borders, he realized there wasn't any cobbler in the village. Afterwards he started mending women shoes and sandals. Eventually when he had earnt some extra money he start buying materials in a nearby town.


Nowadays Rafael sells sandals in Nueva Colonia and Rio Sucio, Chocó. Poverty is a daily overlook in these places; on the other hand he pursues helping his neighbours and the community in which he is part of. He never finished school and had always live far away from his family.

The Gobernación de Antioquia project called: "Generacion de capacidades para acceder al empleo y el emprendimiento en Urabá" is supporting Rafael Vitar to improve his own bussiness, gain access to new markets and generate employment.


Rafael has received advice to improve his business during the regional meeting "Emprendimiento y desarrollo en Uraba".