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Book RNSF social protection informal economy

Informal Economy Support Facility

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Egypt - CEOSS


Place of the action: Egypt


Title of the project in the original language: Improving Livelihoods of Urban and Rural Poor Women Dependant on Informal Sector in Egypt

Applicant: Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS)

Total duration of the action: 48 months

Projected implementation dates from field work launching to closing of the action: from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2019

Objective of the action: To reduce poverty and marginalization of women in Egypt.To improve quality of life for poor women dependant on informal sector in 30 Egyptian rural and urban communities through capacity building and empowerment activities. To enhance capacity of civil society to further contribute to reducing poverty and marginalization of poor urban and rural women.

Target groups: 5,000 uneducated (no or minimal education) women who are economically active in the informal sector. In Upper Egypt, action will focus on rural poor women who are active in informal agricultural sector, as this is a predominant type of activity in these areas; 30 CBOs in target communities; 30 Elected Committees (ECs) representative of the target groups; 3 Trade Associations


Beneficiaries: Families and communities of participants, other poor and marginalized women, society at large, NGO community. (estimated 300,000 persons during 4 years of implementation)




Expected results:   

R1:  3,000 women (25% women with disabilities) have their skills enhanced and are empowered to access formal sector employability

R2: 2,400 women are employed by the formal sector

R3: 30 CBOs and 30 ECs have increased capacities to address women in informal sector issues and conduct local initiatives

R4: 30 local initiatives designed and implemented according to actual needs, through cooperation between CBOs and ECs through the disbursement of sub-grants to CBOs 

Contact person:

Video of the project: