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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Cryton Phiri

Name: Cryton Phiri

Title of RWP: Include Development Minerals in the teaching materials of the Geology Department of the University of Zambia. 

Brief Description: The Geology Department of the univeristy of Zambia to revise its teaching curriculum to encompass the issues related to explorations, exploitations and value additions of Development Minerals. 

Workshop: Development Minerals Curricula Sprint

Full Progress Report not submitted yet.




Title of RWP: The project aims at exhibiting scientific knowledge on geology, mining, mineral and groundwater resources of the sub-Saharan Africa. 

Brief Description: The project will draw scientific experts from different parts of the continents who will share scientific knowledge and expertise in the explorations, exploitations and sustainable utilisations of natural resources, especially those related to development minerals sector.

Workshop: International Conference on Geology, Mining, Mineral and Groundwater Resources of the Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities and Challenges ahead.

Full RWP here

Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

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