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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Decimon Anywar Lamwo

Name: Decimon Anywar Lamwo

Title of RWP: Capacity Building Project on Mineral Development (CBPMD)

Brief Description: CBPMD is a capacity building project on mineral development with associated issues to be handle which include mine and quarry management, environment, health and safety, entrepreneurship skills, market analysis and investment promotion, community relations and addressing grievances.

The aim of the capacity building activities is to: capacitate the community on the mineral development issues, increase the sector productivities, better management of the mining operations, adherence to the national and international and health standards and also prevent conflicts through effective community relatives.

Workshop: Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health & Safety in the Development Minerals Sector, Gulu - Uganda

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D.A. Lamwo RWP

English (86.95 KB - DOCX)