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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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Winfrida Kevin Mtega

Name: Winfrida Kevin Mtega

Title of RWP 1 : Support women in Mining

Brief Description: The project aims to address gender issues in the development minerals sector, namely: 

  • Geology related issues – women miners do not distinguish different minerals and rocks which influence quality of their products and have poor knowledge on the resources available;
  • They lack technical know-how,  skills to access finances, equipment and competent markets; 
  • Labor issues - health and safety, working conditions, training, child labour in crushing of stones

The initiative will therefore enhance women’s skills, arise awareness of health and safety issues, with consideration of children who may accompany their mothers or take part in mining and crushing activities. The underlining projects challenge is the social norm, which prevents women from benefiting from these activities.

Workshop:  Geosciences Information in Africa Workshop (GIRAF) 2015, Mozambique, October 2015.





Title of RWP 2 : Raise the profile of Development Minerals in Tanzania.

Brief Description: Address Geological related issues, Technological issues and Labour issues in the Development Minerals sector in Tanzania.

Workshop: International Conference on Geology, Mining, Mineral and Groundwater Resources of the Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities and Challenges ahead.


Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

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