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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Medellina Mbeye

Name: Medellina Mbeye

Title of RWP: The project is about conducting environmental compliance monitoring of small scale quarries operated by small scale Miners from one of the remote areas in Malawi. 

Brief Description: The monitoring will be a joint monitoring with an officer from Mines Department, one we were together in the Maputo workshop. The focus for the monitoring is to identify the environmental, community, health and safety issues and recommend the actions taken for areas of non-compliance and gaps that will be identified.

Workshop: Southern Africa Regional training workshop on Environment, Community, Health and Safety in the Development Minerals sector, Maputo, Mozambique, April 2017.  

Full Progress Report not submitted yet

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Return to Work Plan _ Mbeye

English (795.21 KB - PDF)