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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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Group RWP (S. Plummer)

Name: Stacey Plummer, Oraine Hepburn, Michael Jackson, Marlon Simms, Andre Williams, Tristan Hitchman and Shyaine Gage

Title of RWP: Provide training to both licensed operators and those who have submitted applications to be licensed, in matters related to the environment, community, gender, health and safety.  

Brief Description: The participants would be grouped based on the parishes in which they operate (there are 14 parishes), and then depending on the number of operations, seminars would be planned to incorporate two to four parishes. 

Workshop: National training workshop on Environment, Communty, Health and Safety in the Development Minerals sector, Kingston, Jamaica, April 2017. 

Full Progress Report not submitted yet

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S. Plummer RWP

English (339.72 KB - DOCX)