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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Shafick Wamala

Name: Shafick Wamala

Title of RWP: Creation of collaborative mines.

Brief Description: This project is the collaboration of the UNDP trainers of trainees and the community to enable both sides to benefit from the project. The community have the land with the resources but are blind to the amount of wealth and how to exploit it. This program notices this problem and seeks for ways of mitigating it. This project will need me to work with the community and find a substantial amount of land to mine and train there community on the best practices basing on the UNDP standards. The land will belong to the community and the project will belong to both the community and the UNDP , this is due to the collaboration taking place of which the community provides the land for us to implement our project. The project will be an operating mine/institutional mine where by the practices that we teachwill be the practices that are used in the mine. The training will be a two week course per group of trainees.

Workshop: Training Workshop on Environment, Community, Health & Safety in the Development Minerals Sector, Entebbe - Uganda

Full Progress Report not submitted yet.

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Return to Work Plan _ Wamala

English (756.1 KB - PDF)