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ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme

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RWP of Justin Nduka Anumnu

Name: Justin Nduka Anumnu

Title of RWP: Detailed and bankable report of a development mineral in Enugu State

Brief Description: This project intends to produce a detailed and bankable report of a development mineral in Enugu State

  • Geological mapping of Development Mineral (Limestone) in Enugu state. 
  • Produce a digitized map showing these mineral locations in other to create awareness of geo-data mapping of Development Minerals as a separate entity.
  • Improve public availiabilty of geological data for stakeholders in Development Mineral sector by doing an estimate of the reserves were possible, and producing a geo-database that will be updateable overtime.

Workshop: East Africa Regional Training Workshop on Geological Data Digitization, Field mapping, Resource estimation and Database Management of Development Minerals, April-May 2018.